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Stella stood to the side, close to nopony, watching Twilight move along in the delimited area close to the crater where she and Nightmare Moon had spent their final moments there. What would have been Twilight's final moments as a whole if Stella hadn't protected her on her way back down. She'd even have been ready to slow her fall if that had been necessary, though it thankfully hadn't.

It was, on the whole, good that things were finally seemingly solved. One less thing to worry about in the grand scheme of them, one less huge distraction in the way of what actually mattered. She'd give Twilight a few days, maybe weeks, and then she'd finally set things in motion. Hopefully, the alicorn wouldn't waste too much time on the Empire in the following period.

If she did, Stella supposed she could always just start with her plan, and force Twilight's attention away. She had everything ready to go whenever she chose to. Though a break would be welcome for her as well, all things considered, the events of that day and leading up to it had been uncharacteristically draining even for her. She couldn't have expected they'd run into and have to deal another abomination, though their way of dealing with it had been to simply shove it back somewhere else. Somewhere it would never come back from, hopefully.

There was something funny about seeing the scales Twilight was there to pick up abandoned on the ground like that. After all the trouble she'd gone through to steal hers, all the layers of security at the castle, there they were carelessly left around where anyone could have taken them. It had been an emergency, and the situation justified the occurrence, but none of that made it any less funny.

Starlight seemed to be doing better after her period of trauma. Stella would probably pay her another visit, toy with her some more. Maybe hurt her seriously. She had stayed away from doing so in preparation for the battle, it was best if the unicorn was well. An annoying thought, but a fact nonetheless. Even insects had their use once in a while. Chrysalis had had hers too after all. Soon the two mares walking there would end up the same way.

What bothered her most about the whole thing was quite possibly the way she'd had to reveal herself to Twilight. A necessity, and she'd thoroughly wiped those memories afterwards, but it had been a most unpleasant experience regardless. Especially Twilight's deductions about her actions. Fortunately she wouldn't remember any of that on their next encounter. It wouldn't do for their first meeting to be that, but one mare could keep a secret.

Nightmare Moon, technically, had been aware of it too, but she was no mare, not in a position to reveal anything, and not in a place where she would be heard regardless. It would be Stella's little secret, one of many. Put like that it was even fun. She wouldn't toy with Twilight before the proper time though. That would have been cheating, and she had no need for cheating to crush her. She'd win fair.

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