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The wall, if it could be called that, came down against both Nightmare Moon and Starshine, and only then did Twilight realise how big it truly was. Not just in width and height, though it was impressive there too, but in depth as well. It may have proportionally been a wall, but it was easily as thick as a small house.

It largely shattered upon impact with Nightmare Moon's body, or with the sphere of energy she quickly surrounded herself in. It was for the best that she'd shifted to focusing on defending herself for a moment, as summoning the wall had left Starshine visibly drained. So much so that she was almost hit by it as hard as Nightmare Moon, only acting a little faster in putting up a shield around herself.

The force of the impact, largely due to the sheer size of it, was still enough to have the intended effect. Nightmare Moon's bubble was pushed towards Twilight, and Starshine's was too. Somewhat to Twilight's surprise, though to her relief as well, the chunks of the wall that broke as it crashed against the alicorn never made it to the ground. Despite falling downwards to it, the massive pieces of what looked vaguely like a purple and blue, peculiarly textured rock did not reach the city below. Instead, at a short distance from it, they caught on a magical fire almost like meteors entering the atmosphere and were quickly and invariably consumed by it.

That was not all. The flaming, pulverised remains of the wall chunks took on almost a life of their own for a few moments. After being reduced to smouldering ash, they grew animated by the same magic that had burnt through them. It flowed into the remains and directed them, and torrents of magic and dying fire rained down against Nightmare Moon with each new broken chunk falling to earth. They pushed her farther still towards Twilight, even as they otherwise shattered uselessly against her shield.

Not long after it had appeared, soon after it had crashed against the alicorns, the wall exhausted its momentum. Gravity dragged it downwards and its forward movement petered to a halt. In that moment, before it could begin to crash against the ground, the entire thing shattered in pieces still far bigger than a pony, but small compared to its initial size. There were bright flashes of light and a sound like crackling thunder in a storm. Every chunk burst into flames, its matter consumed, and the resulting energy once more animated itself and slithered through the air to crash against Nightmare Moon.

A massive torrent born of many different streams washed against her shield, and though nothing passed through it she was still pushed through the air back towards the centre of the city, back to where the portal was and where Twilight waited for her. Statshine took that time to fly there herself, still clearly tired but slowly seeming to recover. She reached a close distance to Twilight just as the flow of magic ended, and they floated there waiting for what would happen next.

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