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"Anything?" Bon Bon asked, looking around from over a fallen column that stood slightly taller than all the other broken building portions around them.

"Anything what?" Lyra asked back, also vaguely looking around from on top a far smaller and shorter piece of rubble only good to barely get her out of the darkness over the ground. "I can't just see the future, you know?"

"Practically speaking, you kind of can, in a limited matter," said Bon Bon before hopping on top of another chunk of wall. "So?"

Lyra groaned, and rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine, I got it." She straightened her neck and looked straight ahead for a moment. After a second, she blinked. "Nothing."


"Nothing," Lyra repeated. "Honestly I don't know what you expected. If something does happen, trust me, I'll tell you."

"You didn't tell me about the winds." After a moment of hesitation, Bon Bon stepped down to the ground and began to walk. "You didn't tell anyone about those for that matter."

"I tried," Lyra said. "It didn't turn out pretty. I gave up after a couple of attempts, I figured the best thing to do was just make sure we were okay."

Bon Bon cast a brief, somewhat disapproving look towards the unicorn. "You might have screwed us over," she said.

Lyra turned towards her. "I don't want to start an argument over the morality of inaction, and I don't want to start one over the fact that I shouldn't have been here in the first place. What I am going to do is remind you of everything else I have continued to restart things for today." She got closer and spoke a little louder. "If I stopped trying, it's because I genuinely thought it was the best alternative. I saw us living if we just went along with it. I saw Shining Armor and Princess Cadence trying to stop it and failing. I don't like it either, but in the short term I was allowed to see, this was the best alternative."

Bon Bon held her gaze, but her features softened after a sigh. "Maybe..." She shook her head.

"I didn't ask for this," Lyra said, answering the words Bon Bon had held back. "I know I might not be the right pony to make these decisions, but I am the one who has to make them. That's how it is."

Bon Bon breathed once, and wordlessly moved forward into a hug with Lyra. She sighed again, then let go and stepped back. She looked around a moment, unsure of what to say, then frowning she picked a direction she'd chosen already and began to lead the way there. Lyra followed behind her, quiet as well. After a while, Bon Bon asked, "Will you tell me if we meet anyone?"

"I might," Lyra said. "Not sure, honestly. I guess it'll depend."

"Fair enough." A bit more walking. "Does it bother you to do it on command?"

"A bit," Lyra said. "I just figure, you know, if something does happen you'll know and I'll be back already. It's not too taxing, but it's kind of boring."

"Fair enough."

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