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Without Colour

"More lab equipment?"

The grey mare nodded. "Sign this please," she said, holding up a form for Starlight to fill out.

"Do I really need to?" Starlight took the included quill in her magic and put her signature on the bottom of the page. "This isn't exactly part of the standard postal service."

"Princess Twilight likes to keep everything documented and organised," the pegasus replied as she placed the form back under one of her wings. "Is everything good for me to go?"

"That sounds sensible." Starlight had a look at the boxes of stuff sitting beside them. "Yeah, I think we're good here."

"Would you like some help bringing things inside?" asked the blonde mare.

"That won't be necessary, no. You can go if you want."

The pegasus politely nodded, then took a few steps away and slipped out of existence.

"Tempest?" Starlight called. "Wanna give me a hoof bringing everything inside?"

The unicorn in question, who'd been standing nearby looking at the horizon, turned towards Starlight as she was mentioned. "Yeah, sure. Do I need to be careful with it?"

"Yeah, it's probably fragile." Starlight took a couple of boxes in her telekinesis and began to carry them inside.

Tempest began to push one beside her. "I'm honestly surprised Twilight didn't label all of them."

"I think the fact that they aren't all labelled with the exact contents means she isn't the one actually filling them up and sending them here. She just gave out the orders and the form."

"Do you think she's busy with something else?" asked Tempest, leaving her box in the middle of the entrance room and heading outside again.

"Always," Starlight replied while following her, "and it's honestly good news that she's delegating some of the less crucial stuff instead of shouldering everything by herself." Once outside, she grabbed two more boxes, while Tempest began to push the last one.

"Do you need help sorting things out too?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll have someone else take care of that." Starlight had a look towards the distance while walking back in. "Any storms on the horizon today?"

"Not that I could see," Tempest replied. "We should be clear tomorrow as well."

Starlight set the last boxes down, and began to open them to see what was inside. "That's good news."

"It is," Tempest replied, heading back outside. "Let me know if you need help with anything else."

"Will do."

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