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He had actually slept, in the end. Not before eating dinner, but he had slept. He regretted not bringing a clock along. He'd remember to next time, probably. He'd also woken up, after sleeping, and again he'd regretted not having a clock. He assumed it was morning, given how he felt well rested and had woken up by himself, but he couldn't be sure of it. He was starting to miss sunlight a bit, and also starting to wonder if a prolonged lack of exposure to it could have negative impacts on his physical or mental well being, both short and long term. He would need to read a book about the matter, or maybe ask someone more knowledgeable. Like Twilight.

He was trying to meet Twilight, after all. Going to Ponyville for that exact reason. But maybe it was too soon. It kind of felt too soon in some way. He wasn't exactly sure, he guessed he'd be more sure once he actually met her. He did know he would meet her at one point. Maybe it was the right time, but he just didn't want it to be yet, because he didn't know what would come after. He didn't even know if there would be an after. If there would be something more, or if he'd have done everything he needed to do. If he would become without purpose or point again, a tool for a job already finished.

Whichever the case, he did nevertheless need to meet Twilight at some point. Which he was trying to do. He was even travelling again, soon after having gotten up from his sleep. He'd only spent the time necessary to put everything he had back into his saddlebags, and he was eating breakfast as he walked. Not that he minded walking, walking was nice, and he did want to leave the tunnel and see the light of day again soon. And meet Twilight.

He really did wonder what their meeting would be like. More than he was worried about what would or could come after.

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