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Stella slipped through the door to Starlight's room just quickly enough to make it inside before the door was slammed. She was somewhat disappointed to see the mare wasn't crying, as she'd hoped she would be after seeing how she'd rushed into the room, but after a moment she just shrugged and had a look around.

Starlight was on her bed, burying herself in a book or a journal or something similar. The room, after a cursory glance, turned out to be of little interest, and so Stella focused on the unicorn. She got as close to her as she could manage while still making sure she wasn't outright breathing on her, and tried to get a proper look at whatever Starlight was reading. It didn't really work out. "Don't you have anything better to do?" she asked, knowing she couldn't be heard.

Starlight, of course, didn't hear her and didn't reply. For whatever reason, that really bothered Stella, who grabbed hold of the book with a hoof and pulled it away from Starlight's grip. "Don't you have anything better to do?" she asked again, louder.

Starlight again didn't reply. Not because she hadn't heard Stella, but because of the band of magical energy holding her mouth shut. She did try to use her horn though, but that was also blocked by Stella's magic. Same for her limbs. So she just stared at the pony with confusion and worry, trying to scream through her closed mouth as sweat began to roll down her neck.

Stella took a few moments to admire the alicorn she was reflecting as in Starlight's eyes, the only sounds in the room her quivering breaths and the other's muffled cries. She'd get to fixing up her own body to look like that soon enough, but she had other things to work on first. All in due time. "Don't bother trying to break out of this, you won't. And don't bother making noise, no one outside of this room can hear us."

Stella smiled and stepped closer to Starlight, who shivered and swallowed. "You're probably wondering what I'm here for. Actually you're probably wondering a lot of things. Like who I am or how I got here or other stuff I won't bother to answer because I'm not here to entertain the fancies of an annoying little unicorn I could crush beneath my hooves this very moment, not that it would matter when I'll make you forget all about it, but I suppose I might have some interest in you because of my mother's interest in you I should not have told you that."

Stella turned with a snappy motion. "Doesn't matter. I'll make her forget about it. I shouldn't be here, this was a mistake, I shouldn't- I'm here, I'm doing it, it's okay I'll just make her forget about it it's okay nothing can go wrong I shouldn't have brought up my mother." She growled, either at nothing or at the wall. "She's not really my mother. She was an idiot, and she died like an idiot, and I am not like my mother!" She turned back to Starlight, who was getting only more worried, suddenly smiling again.

"So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to have fun. Because that's what you are to me. A pastime, a toy, something beneath my level I only care about for my own amusement. And then I'll make you forget about it. And maybe I'll play around, do something, leave something in you, maybe I won't, it doesn't matter. It doesn't..." She had a heavy sigh, and looked at the ground. "Fucking matter!" she angrily yelled. Then she stood still, eyes closed, trying to slow her breath.

"It doesn't matter," she muttered under her breath. "Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter." She took a last deep breath, and looked at Starlight again. "So we should just have ourselves some fun."

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