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Twilight fully turned to stare at Sunburst. Then she thought better of simply speaking, and her horn flashed. A bubble of shimmering light spread out from her and stopped when its edge was a few metres past Sunburst, preventing any sound from moving past it. "I was having a chat," Twilight replied. "It was rather insightful. Unfortunately, it didn't end quite the way I hoped it would, though I wouldn't say it was my fault."

Sunburst's mouth hung open as he stared at Twilight. He didn't notice Starshine briefly flickering into existence at his side, munching on what seemed to be popcorn. Twilight, for the sake of the moment, pretended not to have seen that either. "A chat?" Sunburst said, shifting tone at least four times in the span of those five letters. "There's someone there to talk to?" he added, having settled on bewildered incredulity with a side of frustrated anger.

Twilight nodded. "The reason I went there, in fact. And as I've said, I did learn quite a few things from this visit. It's a great shame it ended the way it did, but all I can do about that now is help Equestria recover. I would rather not waste time in getting to that."

"You found out there was someone on top of the Behemoth, told no one about it, risked your life going there to talk to them so you could get information," Sunburst said, his tone growing louder with each word as he stepped closer and closer to Twilight, the impact of his hooves on the rubble matching his voice, "got the Behemoth to move again as a result, which in case you haven't noticed might have fucked up Equestria worse than anything else up to this point, and now you think the sensible thing to do is shrug it off and move on?" He was shouting almost directly into Twilight's face by the end.

Twilight held up his gaze. "I had the first real chance to learn something about this whole situation since it began, I decided to put as few creatures at risk and to reduce the likelihood of information leaks to a minimum, I put my own life at risk and tried to get as much information as I could while I was there," she replied. "I did the same thing you would have done in my place. I'm not shrugging off my responsibilities over the consequences of my actions. But Equestria needs me to act now, and everyone will be worse off if time is spent punishing me instead."

Sunburst still stared right into her eyes, but his breath did slow. "What happened there?" he asked.

Twilight's horn shone again, and the two of them teleported to a clearing in the trees somewhere on the mountainside, outside of Canterlot. The Behemoth's silhouette stood not too far in the distance, towering over the city. "There was only one creature there. He calls himself the Charioteer. He looks like a stallion, though I doubt that's all he is."

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