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The unicorn straightened his neck and set the miniature down, admiring his work as he took the brush out of his mouth. It wasn't the best, and maybe he'd touch it up a little the day after, but for a first work he found it was probably good enough. And it had certainly been satisfying to put the thing together and paint it, so he could say he was happy with it either way.

He glanced at the clock. "Oh, bother," he said, carefully moving the small statuette out of the way and pulling up a blank sheet of paper. He should have been writing. He was gonna be late for it, again. He probably wasn't going to get enough done in time at that point.

And then was the usual matter, he thought as he stared at the page. Deciding what to actually write. Maybe some music would have helped, but he didn't feel particularly like it that night, all things considered. It took him a bit to actually start, taking up precious time he didn't have much of as he decided what he would put on the page, but eventually he did begin.

He grabbed his quill in his magic, the glow radiating from his curved horn illuminating the darkness of the room behind his back, and after dipping the tip in ink he began to write.

There was one thing in particular he wanted to get to, but he'd save it for a day where he had more time to dedicate to it. He instead went with something else, something that still worked with what was around it. As he did, he also threw brief glances around his desk. Some things would need to be either placed on the floor or maybe strapped down, given what was coming.

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