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Witness Me, Phoenix

I'm falling
In the same direction you did
In the opposite direction you did
To a different place
From a different place
Through the same place
In a different time

I'm here
Where our paths converge
Where our paths diverge
To greet you, even if you're not here

You were, once
Twice, thrice, and again
And again, here, yet not
You won't see this
And I will not see you
And maybe, that's how it should be

I've seen this world change
And I have accepted it
And I have lived through it
And I've suffered its changes
And yet, I have changed it too

And I have put myself where I am now
Who I am now
What I am now
And the things that are in me

This world is suffering, wounded, screaming
These walls are breaking, assaulted, bleeding
These worlds are collapsing

And I see them
As they try to understand
As they try to fix things
As they search for answers
And I can't help them

And I know the answers, and I can't speak them
And I know the words, but forget the meaning
And I can't go back to the world I feel from
The world I came from
And I don't remember

One of them spoke to me
In a time where I was not myself
I knew her, though I did not remember her
And she too came from the world I left
From the time I left
And she too saw through the world I passed

And I spoke to her
And remembered her
And the one who I am made a pact with her

She is my past
And I am her actions
Her consequences, in my past, the future
Ordered by me, as I am now
Yet orchestrated by me, as what is in me
And I wasn't

I can't feel, towards this
It's how it must happen
It's how it already had

I've tried to speak to them
I've tried to warn them
I've seen the future
And I'll see it again
And maybe, I'll see me again

And maybe I'll leave, one day
When this is all over
Last seconds have passed
The creature has left
And I can be myself again

I've warned them
Talked to them
I will do it again
I never had a choice
Yet I'm making all the choices
And playing my part, and writing it
But I can't see it yet

Sometimes, I feel like I don't know where I'm going
But no matter
This isn't what you're here for, anyway

I am
Everywhere everywhen
Through these worlds
Through these words
And in this world
I am
The threads that pull
And the pawn that's pushed
And here, I am now, as you've been before

And now, I am here, as you've never been
The shadow to your light
The day to your night
The other side of the mirror, to your choices
To climb my way up as you fall

Witness me
As I walk past the tomb you lay in
As I'll walk past the tomb you'll lay in
As I walk to the world that you shunned

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