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"What building do you think it's going to go for first? The one on the left or the one on the right?"

"Our left and right or its left and right?"


Pinkie put a hoof under her chin, squinting towards the tall mass of writhing tentacles in the distance. "I'm gonna say right."

Pinkie nodded. "Same."

The two sat in silence for a bit, watching the creature slither and squirm forward, ever closer to the edge of the ruins.

Suddenly, one of them spoke up. "Say, do you happen to have a brother or two that you've never mentioned to anyone else?"

The other Pinkie Pie looked at her. "Why? Do you have a brother or two you've never mentioned to anyone else?"

"Maybe." Pinkie side-eyed Pinkie. "And you?"

Pinkie turned her face back towards the tentacles, but her eyes stayed on Pinkie. "Maybe."

A few more seconds passed in silence.

"Looks like it picked the one on the left instead."


The two Pinkie Pies watched the building-sized entangle of squirmy smooth appendages trample over the remains of what had used to be a house and consume it with as much delight as the featureless ensemble of tentacles could display.

"Do you think that'll be enough for it, or will it go for the other building as well?" one of the two ponies asked.

The other Pinkie replied, "I think that will be enough."

"I suppose we will see."

"That we certainly will, Pinkie."

And see they did, as after a couple more minutes of silently watching the creature they could observe it leaving towards the forest at its characteristic slow pace, satisfied with its meal.

"My Rainbow picked up dreamwalking," one Pinkie said after a while. "She hasn't told us yet. She doesn't plan to, I believe."

"Sounds like Rainbow alright. Our Twilight is still with Sunset, and they haven't accidentally torn another hole in the fabric of reality while having sex yet," said the other Pinkie.

"Sounds nothing like our Twilight. I have contingency plans ready for when she finally decides to get kinkier with Celestia, in case she goes too far." Pinkie whistled. "Yes, they're as desperate as you can imagine them being, but hopefully Equestria will survive with only a couple cities needing to be rebuilt and a few creatures needing to be untransformed."

"At least you have serious contingency plans. Mine is a bucket of cold water," Pinkie said.

"Never underestimate a bucket of water. I once stopped Twilight from taking over Equestria and made her not evil again with a bucket of water." Pinkie chewed on nothing for a moment. "Or, well, a Pinkie did that with a Twilight once. It's fuzzy whether or not it was my Twilight, and it's not really stable whether it was or wasn't me."

"I understand." Pinkie nodded. "Still. I ought to think of something better." She pursed her lips, thinking. "I could install remote-controlled water sprinklers in their rooms and turn them on if I ever see the geodes start to act up."

"That could work," Pinkie said. "That could definitely work."

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