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To Me

"So I'm back to looking like my normal self, to you at least." Twilight's clone studied her reflection in the mirror. "I did feel something there."

"Do you think you could replicate it?" the stallion asked, hopeful.

Twilight's clone pursed her lips. "No. I couldn't quite pin it down. But I know it's there now, at least. I'd need to do it again to figure out where it is exactly. Any idea on how we might trigger that?" She turned towards the stallion.

"I do have one, actually," he said. "It seems we need you to subconsciously recognise a need for the camouflage in order to control it, so far at least. I think we can work with that, by making you convince yourself that you need something, before you manage to figure out where the switch is and how to control it."

"And your idea is?"

"Well, you need to understand how your power works. It would be highly beneficial to you. And you would also highly benefit from seeing how exactly you look like to others right now, since you didn't have a clear idea of what you were going for when you camouflaged." The stallion pointed at the mirror. "So, we could say that you need the camouflage to affect yourself as well."

Twilight's clone was following along with the thread of his speech, but then a thought occurred to her. "Wait. When I looked inside Scarlet's eyes, I saw myself as the unicorn she sees me as. Why is the mirror different?"

"Probably a matter of your powers working in a directional fashion by specifically targeting the light that moves towards the receptive apparatuses of the creatures you're camouflaging yourself to. So that image was different because it was from light being sent in Scarlet's direction, but what you see now is sent in yours."

Twilight's clone blinked. "Does that mean mirrors can mess with the camouflage?" she asked, suddenly worried.

The stallion shook his head. "It didn't do it for me. It actually worked better, considering wires don't reflect, but that's not something that would probably be relevant to anypony or creature other than me. Well, no, maybe there are some creatures out there who can see what I see, but you get my point. For all we know your power takes effect right on creatures' eyes and not on light as it leaves you, either way it seems to know what to affect and what not to."

Twilight's clone chewed on nothing for a moment. She would need to conduct research on the matter, once she had more time. And once she actually knew how to properly use her powers. Which brought her back to what she was trying to do in the first place, and what the stallion had been saying before she'd derailed the conversation. Turning her head, she focused on her image in the mirror. She needed to understand her power, and she needed to know what others were seeing her as.

There was another click, inside her, and the image she saw in the mirror shifted, matching the one she'd first seen in Scarlet's eyes.

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