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It would rain soon, the pegasus could feel it. The tiny prickles of electricity running along their wings spoke of an oncoming storm. At the least, they were done with work for the day. All they needed to do was find a place to stay for the night. Maybe they would even catch some of the rain, they never did mind getting wet too much.

Autumn wouldn't last much longer. The days were getting shorter, the nights colder, and soon winter would be there again. Hopefully it wouldn't be too different from the previous ones, but there was no telling with the Behemoth still in Canterlot. If they squinted really hard, on a day when the skies were clear enough, they could see it even from there.

It wasn't something they liked to do, though. Not that anyone else in Equestria liked looking at the Behemoth, not as far as the pegasus knew at least. And they would have been greatly surprised to find out someone actually did, and perhaps concerned about the mental well being of said creature. Fascination with danger was one thing, but there was something distinctly unnatural and otherworldly about the Behemoth, something sickening, even if no one could pinpoint down exactly what.

A stray droplet of water landed on the pegasus' muzzle, taking them out of their train of thought. It was starting earlier than expected. Firecracker stretched their wings, then took off and began to glide down the mountain. A few more drops of water hit them on their way down, but it hadn't properly started to rain yet. For a few minutes the pegasus just kept gliding, as the weather remained unchanging.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, as the sky grew a bit darker. A few flashes of lightning illuminated the clouds from within, but still only sparse drops dripped down to earth. That had Firecracker mildly worried, heavy rain was not the most pleasant of things to take head on. At least it was long past summer, completely out of season for a hailstorm. Though with the Behemoth there, one couldn't be completely sure.

They supposed maybe they should have been glad it was still raining water, going by what the creature had brought to Equestria as far as plants and animals went. But then, they should have been angry at the Behemoth being there in the first place. Perhaps it was all a bunch of pointless wonderings, and they shouldn't have concerned themself with speculation about what could and couldn't have been with things so completely outside of their control. After all, it would have been like complaining they'd been born in that world and not another.

And yet ponies still did complain about the rain. Admittedly, most of them were used to weather being a scheduled thing, and they even knew who to direct their complaints to. Firecracker did not envy those ponies tasked with bringing rain, not one bit. But the rain above them at that moment was different, they knew it. And in a couple more minutes it would be pouring down on them, so perhaps it was best if they focused on finding shelter first, and then continued on with their musings there.

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