• Member Since 1st May, 2012
  • offline last seen July 7th


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Thanks for the update and the link, and oh my gosh what a Christmas present! :pinkiehappy:


Hi FinalFan,

Though it has been two years, I am actually still working on the story. There are some things I want to change about the last few chapters and want to have the story pretty much finished before I start releasing chapters again. While I wont give guarantees, I think I'll be ready to start releasing chapters again by summer.

The supplementary materials are by my steadfast editor and contributor Deadpan29 who's page can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/105855/Deadpan29

Or you can read them and some other non-canon fanworks and discussion at spacebattles here:


Hey, I was thinking about your story, and noticed that it has been two years since the last update. I don't want to apply unsolicited pressure, both on grounds of tactlessness and (probable lack of) efficacy, but I was wondering if you might say a few words as to the likelihood of it being continued someday. Your blog and these comments don't seem to address the issue.

P.S. Speaking of the blog, you mention there some "supplementary material" hosted on a blog that I cannot get to by your link. Do you know if there is any other place to view it?


Firstly, prose stylists: King's more fantasy oriented stuff. House of Leaves (by god all of us should tremble in the shadow of THAT Hideous Strength) and Patrick Rothfuss all have either a poetic or at least in King's case a lyrical sort of voice. Also it's damn fine reading.

As for poets... That's a good question. The real question is: what poetry do you know? And further, what sort of things appeal to you? The direct? The exultant? The lopsided grin? Contemplation or riotous color?

In general, I recommend T.S. Eliot... With caveats. Eliot tends to sort of get hooks in you stylistically if you like him and he casts an unbelievably long shadow. But his first book of poems (1912? Maybe?) the one with Prufrock (remember Lovesong of T. Sparkle? I was having fun with Prufrock just for the hell of it.) that book is good. If you feel up to it, The Wasteland is worth reading.

Roll your eyes but I'll tell you truly: Shakespeare. The plays. Lear and Caesar and Richard III.

Merwin and Collins are more recent. Merwin is quieter and genuine. Collins is snider and a little more about wit. Merwin was also US Poet Laureat! Both were I think

Anything of the metaphysical poets, religious poets, etc. of the 16th century. They are fantastic. Donne is their chief. George Herbert as well. They were brilliant and adept with image on a way that is awe-inspiring. Also, just delightful.

Milton, if you have an iron will to keep up because oh boy

I personally like the Classics as well: Virgil and Horace mostly. Both are wonderful with a nice English translation and I think Virgil was hundreds of years ahead of his time.

But don't feel that you have to parrot. It's helpful to learn but like riding with training wheels, remember to eventually go out on your own. Gardez reminded while we edited Levee: short sentences can be the best. Simple ones too. Not every line can or even should be a lyric.

A worksman's straight path can make it to Jannah just as meandering bard's can!

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