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"What are you thinking about?" Celestia walked up to Luna on the balcony, looking at the starry sky.

"You kept the seasons the same while I was gone," said Luna.

Celestia stopped at her side. "Of course I did. They have their reasons to exist."

"No one was forcing you to," Luna said. "You could have changed things slowly. You had a thousand years to do it, nature would have adapted."

"I didn't want to," Celestia said. "I saw no point in doing so. I don't think it ever crossed my mind as any kind of serious thought, though I surely conceived the possibility at some point."

Luna stood silent for a while. Celestia considered walking away, but chose against it. Finally Luna spoke again. "I used to think ponies did not appreciate the beauty of my nights, but I realised that perhaps I didn't see their true worth either. Perhaps I was too insistent on comparing myself to you."

"I am sure you will find ponies who appreciate looking at your sky far more than looking at mine," said Celestia. "Twilight Sparkle is one to enjoy stargazing as well. Maybe you could approach her on the matter, as a way to get to know her."

"I wouldn't need excuses to approach the mare that freed me. If I haven't done so yet it is because I do not wish to. Not now." There was a shift in Luna's breathing, like she was releasing tension through it. "One day I will. Tell me. Is she to succeed us, in time?"

"Too early to say. She may, and she does show promise, but nothing is yet set in stone." Celestia looked into the distance. "But I would like her to, after recent events. She could prove a better leader than I was."

"You speak of the mare she could be. Not the mare she is now. She is as promising as she is still inexperienced." Luna turned her head quietly towards Celestia. "How much are you willing to push things to get the outcome you want?"

"As much as it takes," Celestia replied without hesitation. "You have seen her cutie mark as well. Not once in a thousand years have I had a chance like this, and she appeared at the right time for your return. She saved you."

"Because you set her on that path. For years already, have you not?" Luna looked at her sister. "If you succeed, she will hate you."

"I will deserve it, and I will have done the world a great favour." Celestia turned to Luna. "Being blind to your suffering was my greatest mistake. But second to it was believing it my only one. I thought myself better than who I had been. I thought I'd learnt. It was not until recently that I realised how blind I could still be when believing myself to know better. I have been a good ruler to Equestria for a thousand years, but I don't wish to rule another millennium, even with you at my side. Our ponies deserve better, if better can be. I believe Twilight could."

"And you will stay on this path as long as the possibility remains?"

"Yes." Celestia hesitated. "Unless you were to ask otherwise of me."

Luna looked to the sky again. "You know her better than I. If I feel you are going too far, I will speak up. For now, I do not know enough about either of your situations to decide over something like this."

Celestia nodded. "I understand. Thank you, Luna."

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