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She'd been easy enough to find with the information Starshine had. The hard part had been getting to her properly, though not in the way Starshine would have expected. Things had gotten weird since the moment she'd crossed into the other side. Not that they hadn't been weird for her before, but they had gotten weirder, and weird in a different direction from how things had been going in the city before that.

She wasn't sure if she was all there and all then. It reminded her a lot of how she was used to ceasing to exist, only she was able to properly appreciate it at that point. But it wasn't exactly like that either, as she wasn't fully gone. She ended up something like a ghost, a spirit wandering the building undetected by the ponies there. Which was actually helpful given what she was there to do.

But it was not easy to move in those conditions. As she could have probably guessed, and quickly did discover, walking wasn't all too compatible with being in a state too undefined to possess limbs, nor was the abstract concept of moving in general able to apply to her when her being was bereft of a defined position and of the necessary amount of existence to possess one in the first place. It wasn't necessarily painful, not that she was alive enough to feel pain most of the time, but it was very confusing when she existed with enough of a mind to process it. Sometimes she merely felt herself without even being able to think through it.

It did make her movements jerky and her pattern erratic. She didn't walk so much as she flickered in and out, having moved farther each time she was there enough to be observable. Thankfully the crystal remained unbothered by her behaviour, always with her and always rather real, but never escaping her grasp because of that. It even helped her at times, giving her a tether, something to latch on to and keep herself there with.

Her movement through time was as erratic as her movement through space. Though for sure she never existed there before arriving or after leaving, she could not confirm to have existed there in proper chronological order when she had. She supposed however the briefness and scattered nature of her moments of permanence helped with avoiding any unwanted confrontations. She really wasn't in any state to interact with anyone, much less to do so in the antagonistic manner the soldiers there would have most likely adopted.

She found her target out the room she'd arrived in, past a corridor and a door, up a flight of stairs, a short walk away into another room. She was not alone there. She was nervous. Starshine didn't get a good look at the other ponies there. She didn't get a good look at the mare, either. She knew what she looked like and knew she was the one, but in her conditions she was unable to see her properly. But she existed there enough for long enough to do what she'd been asked to, and after that she went back the fast way, choosing though it brought her fear to let go for long enough. It didn't take more than a moment. She was still her when she came back, and of that she was glad.

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