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Sombra came back together, about the same shape he'd been before being flattened to the ground. Both Shining and Cadence were panting from the continued efforts to both meaningfully harm him and survive his attacks, but both did at least notice some semblance of damage appeared to be sticking around. There was a noticeable hole in Sombra's skin over his chest, though a small one, revealing a patch of his darkened flesh and below it part of his twisted bones. That was a start, and slightly reassuring.

It was also far, far from being enough. And between how drained they already were, how much more they would have needed to take him out, and how dangerous he was, it wasn't hard to figure out how slim their odds of success were. Their only other spark of hope was the creature's evidently lowered intelligence compared to its previous self. It tanked hits rather than even attempting to dodge them, and fully ignored anything that wasn't the target he was focusing on.

As Sombra slowly got back together, Shining and Cadence looked at each other, then at the only other thing they could hope to use to their advantage. The giant stream of magic cutting through the city's sky was more than both of them could output in terms of raw destructive power, which meant it was their best potential tool to harm what was left of Sombra. That of course meant they'd have to get him into it somehow, and do so before the weapon firing it was hopefully stopped, but being pushed around seemed to be the one thing the creature wasn't all too resistant to.

That was that then. They had a pretty good plan as to how to actually send Sombra where they were planning to. The hard part was, of course, surviving to actually do it. They began by dashing to a spot away from the direction the blast was coming from, to give themselves a better angle to launch the creature from. They were fully prepared to have to struggle to get there, but unexpectedly, just as its head was regaining its shape, a lightning bolt struck down on Sombra. The creature, aside from maybe some superficial burns, didn't look particularly hurt, but he did at least seem somewhat dazed.

That bought Cadence and Shining enough time to get to where they were planning to. That and the series of other lighting bolts that rained down on Sombra even as he began to move towards them, confused and slow at first, then charging properly once he spotted them. He tore through barrier after barrier as both ponies put up one after another on his path, glass-like shards of broken magic walls embedding into his flesh. As he was closing in on them, both magic users shared a barely visible nod, and as their horns lit up so did the broken remains of their shields stuck in Sombra's body, which then exploded all at once.

That stopped Sombra for a couple of seconds, and even caused his form to come apart a little. He roared and shot a beam from his horn, which Shining and Cadence barely managed to hold back against with the shield they together conjured around themselves. Then, once more displaying speeds unnatural for a being his size and shape, Sombra was on them, bashing with his claws against their cover. Lighting struck him again, though the two could only see as much from the flash of electricity that ran through him as he obscured almost everything else in their vision. But what he left for them to see was just enough, and for a few moments longer all they had to do was wait.

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