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Like Silence Breaking Sound

"I am sure you must be rather confused right now. About how you got here or even where 'here' is, about who I am, about everything that's happened up to this point, both to you and to the world. I assure you, it will all make sense, eventually.

"I have to admit, and I'm being honest, I didn't think anyone would find me so soon. And I certainly didn't think it would be you. But I see it was with her help, so I can understand how things went down. She was one of the most likely candidates for who would find me first, after all. Either her, Princess Twilight, or perhaps Rainbow Dash, those were my guesses. Instead, it looks like it was you.

"No matter. Not a problem at all, really. In fact, I am actually rather entertained by it. It's something I hadn't considered planning for. That makes it exciting. And, as I said, this is far sooner than I expected. I was prepared to wait decades, in the worst of outcomes. I am quite sure this will speed things up nicely.

"I'm sure you're starting to realise where we are, right? You're a smart pony. You've been looking around while I was talking. Look down again for a moment if you wish, I won't mind you taking your eyes off me. And I promise I won't jump at you while you are distracted. I would never do that. As you might guess, I am not one to keep my actions hidden. Although, yes, perhaps there is some irony in that, given I was hidden by them.

"I should clarify, at this point, that this isn't my decision. This whole thing, you see? It's more complicated than that. Far, far more complicated than that. I am a part of it all, but I am not the driving force behind it. Truth be told, I am not sure if there is a single will driving the events here. It seems rather like the consequence of many different, individual parts, and outside the single control of any one of them. Almost a coincidence, perhaps. Though I'm sure some would call it fate.

"Who am I to judge? I see how little you know, maybe I'm just as ignorant. Maybe there is someone else behind it all, pulling the strings. But as far as I'm concerned, that doesn't matter. I'm just here to play my part, and I don't care much who that benefits. I never had much of a choice anyway, you see?

"And I am sure, very sure, that you must be wondering what exactly my part is. Surely, though, you don't think I will simply tell you. I do have the unfortunate habit to talk a lot, true, but can you blame me? It gets rather lonely up here. But you're a smart pony, you know I won't just tell you what you want me to by myself. And you're thinking to yourself how you can force me to, are you not?

"Believe me, that is not something I recommend you do. I won't stop you from trying. But I will make sure you regret it, should it happen. Instead, and I should make it clear I am talking to you, not anyone else who might be listening, why don't you just ask? I'm sure there must be a lot of questions on your mind. I don't promise I will answer everything, but it never hurt to try, right?"

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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