• Member Since 12th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2022


Writing is just pain leaving the spirit...


Some topics should never be broached. If so, they can tear entire communities apart.

Some questions, once asked, can only be answered in blood.

Twilight is about to find that out, after noticing a distinct rise in the number of angry mobs forming outside her castle...

Inspired by a thread by SunTwi06

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio!!!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

With the obvious reference to the current culture clash going on, I am very disappointed you didn't manage to work in someone saying, "No soup for you!".

I can hear Starlight saying "Even I never threw ponies in dungeons!” if Twilight tells her where Rarity is.:rainbowlaugh:

In all, this was about as funny as I thought it would be. very funny!

Ah, mobs fighting over something stupid and non-consequential... plenty of swearing, blood and tears, cutting the population in two.

The perfect sport event where everybody can participate. Just grab a brick, learn the chant and go nuts.

I'm sure this story is good, but shouldn't the title be "Ponies Are Idiots?"

Again, Applejack nodded, “She’s claimin’ ta be Neutral on the subject.”

Pinkie nodded, as well, “Naturally! How can I trust somepony with a heart full of Neutrality!?”

The shockwave knocked a few clouds out of the sky. The Castle of Friendship rattled from the blow, and the grass for miles around Ponyville flattened. Wooden signs shattered. Some ponies cowered before the sound, while others struggled to stand against the tempest-like wind.

I wonder if they have John Cena in Equestria. :rainbowhuh:

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Some soup may be drunk, but not all soup is drinkable. Trying to tackle the chunkier soups, or those loaded with croutons or encrusted with onions, without chewing is downright dangerous. (And let's not get into the perils of home-made soup, such as the perilous petite poultry bone)

Twilight, Twilight, Twilight haven't you forgotten?

Before reading the story: The correct answer is 'Sustenance.'

After reading the story: My answer has not changed. XD

“If crackers are bread, and I put two together… would that make a peanut butter sandwich…?”

No, that would make it a S'more obviously.

*'have you forgotten?'

Also, according to the definitions of 'food' and 'drink', soup is both.


I always forget the n't when i mean to use it and the one time i put in a n't i dont need it :facehoof: :rainbowwild:

You also forgot a period at the end of that sentence.

I will stop now, lest I become Grammaron, destroyer of words.


If there are solids in the soup, like chunks of fruit, meat or vegetables, it is food.

If it just pure liquid, it is a drink in a bowl.

Or the Grammar Nazi. No sentence for you! :pinkiecrazy:

It is food and drink.

In all my life I've never realized how vehemently I consider soup food until now.

Thank you for the enlightenment.

I cannot begin to describe how humorous and enjoyable this fic is to read! Goodness man, this really is something to behold and reread time and again! Awesome work! Hope ya didn't mind, but I just needed to read this hilarity of randomness!

Audio Linky!: https://youtu.be/EF51JH8M8DM

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment!)

“If crackers are bread, and I put two together… would that make a peanut butter sandwich…?”

And so human Trixie sensed an incredible trade opportunity with Magic Horse Land.

Delightfully silly. Thank you for it.

Even then, would you put, say, a gazpacho in a glass and drink it while eating something else, with no other accompanying beverage?

Trixie with the real talk question at the end.

good job they dont have chunky soup that caused riots

Pinkie pie could have came with the neutral stance and even come with a new word for it


Uuuh, I love this kind of philosophical questions.

Well, soups are a mixed food, with solid and liquid elements, in my honest opinion.

Ah, the story? It's wonderful, as always.

Dang, I was in the process of writing this and you beat me to it. Can't say I'm complaining but I'm still gonna write it:heart:

Nowadays I can see something like this happening in real life.

She idly wondered why things like this always seemed to happen on a Saturday. Nightmare Moon, her brother’s wedding, Tirek… every time. Like clockwork.

Would you rather want to deal with those on a monday?

and Twilight didn’t think it had been long enough for another anti-Starlight demonstration to break out.

The next one is scheduled for tuesday, by the way.

The two camps began to simmer down, just as she opened her mouth…

She learned from the best!

(Not that she would ever admit it...)

Pinkie nodded, as well, “Naturally! How can I trust somepony with a heart full of Neutrality!?”

Me: "You realize Twilight is neutral, too?"
:applejackunsure::pinkiesmile:: "..."
:twilightoops:: "You shouldn't have said that."
:ajbemused::pinkiecrazy:: "GET HER!!!"

“Hey, Starlight?”
She sighed.
“Yes, Trixie?”
“If crackers are bread, and I put two together… would that make a peanut butter sandwich…?”

Reminds me of this one:

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.


I can hear Starlight saying "Even I never threw ponies in dungeons!” if Twilight tells her where Rarity is.:rainbowlaugh:

"You literally stuck us in a room and pumped your crazy Equalist nonsense in through the pipes! How was that not a dungeon!?"


Just grab a brick, learn the chant and go nuts.

Wait... we still talking about rioting? Or just soccer/football?


No. But only because I haven't figured out a good pony name for him yet.

I'm quite literally over the moon right now. Thank you for this!

What do you think started this whole mess?

I’d have gone with “Depends on the soup.”

It's neither. Soup is liquid but it satisfies hunger

If you call soup a drink, you're an animal.

Here, lemme jus' tongue my meat and drink its froth

... But why are you buying clothes at the soup store?

“Um…” Starlight shifts her hooves, a bit unnerved by her teacher’s face, “How did it go?”

Tense oddity.


Here's your review. I blame Nailah :twilightsmile:

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