Well. This is new. And horrible. · 7:35am Dec 7th, 2022
I’ll be candid and short, since my typing is currently compromised by lack of computer and a ventilator that makes voice-to-chat darn near impossible.
Writing is just pain leaving the spirit...
I’ll be candid and short, since my typing is currently compromised by lack of computer and a ventilator that makes voice-to-chat darn near impossible.
It feels somewhat hyperbolic to open with "EVERYTHING IS WORSE NOW", but here we are.
Recently, the Kirin Fans of Cuteness group performed a story exchange, and I was a participant! Hooray!
Then my symptoms got worse! Bleh!
It's... been a bit hasn't it? I really shouldn't leave people in the dark so long. But when it's sometimes this dark, I just have to stare at a wall and wonder if any of my (lovely, wonderful, marvelous) watchers really care to hear what's going on.
Still. You're worth it. And there's better news after the bad stuff, so I'll just spoiler the cruddy stuff and let everyone who wants to skip, skip to the good news.
"Boy, I know the oncologist said before that he expects the surgery to happen within 2 to 3 weeks, but I hope not. I'd want to be able to move around at least for my birthday. Gee, I wonder what the surgeon is going to say today..."
And the Monkey's Paw clenches.
GENERAL WARNING. Moroseness and details on bad cancer stuff incoming.
For all the kind words and warm wishes on my last (somewhat dire) post. Thank you. I'm not sure what else to say, without turning into a blubbering, emotional mess. Knowing that people care really means something.
I think it’s fair to say that my writing has been very inconsistent as of late. My updates for Trixie haven’t come out in a long time, and I’ve mostly been focusing on smaller one shot ideas, many of which started off as prompts from a writing group I’m in. This isn’t a typical pity post, however. I’m not going to lay the blame for all that on my emotional state or anything like that. It’s actually a lot worse.
I have cancer.
I apparently now have, as of 7:45pm, 4/28/2022, Four Hundred and Twenty Followers.
For no specific reason, I shall simply post these two pictures in celebration, and say no more.
Except... thank you. And I love you all.
I've had dental surgery. Turns out my original dentist didn't remove my back wisdom tooth correctly, so now... fifteen years later, I had to get it done rightly, through surgery.
Of course, as I already knew, I was a mutant. They found TWO WHOLE WISDOM TEETH back there, where there should only be one.