• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

Tracking 9 stories
  • Tracking 9 stories - 94 unread chapters
    Created by VGI
    - October, 2014
Found 9 stories in 64ms

Total Words: 204,166
Estimated Reading: 13 hours



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Sweetie Belle literally goes to Tartarus and back in an effort to find her favorite socks. Location of socks will be revealed in thousandth chapter. In the meantime, please leave suggestions for where Sweetie should look next in the comments.

This is totally just 4:00AM anti-writer's block fluff.
Sufjan Stevens

Chapters (29)

Now with an audio reading by AJ the Autistic Pony and friends!

Chapters ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, and SEVEN available now!

Applejack and the Apple family are prepared for a visit from their best-kept secret—Applejack's autistic younger brother, Calvados. "Cal" comes home from a special school in Fillydelphia, and during his visit, the Mane 6 must try to make him feel welcome in spite of his differences. With the Apple family's usual work and an upcoming celebration making the whole town busy, this will soon prove to be a difficult test of friendship and teamwork.

But not nearly as difficult for anypony as for Applejack.

Above all else, the Apple family makes time for, and takes pride in, family. Applejack struggles to keep this in mind, reminding herself that her decisions were for his benefit. However, even a pony as morally strong as Applejack can't keep hiding her guilt, and she resolves to fight back the shame of having a brother with autism. Meanwhile, Cal struggles to adjust to his stay in Ponyville, but if he can avoid the panic and stress—something no autistic colt can take lightly—AJ's little brother may just surprise her. And himself.

Gorgeous cover art courtesy of the amazing _Vidz_!

Chapters (12)

Cheerilee decided that she would allow each pony in her class to choose what the nature of their homework should be. That was her first mistake.

The second was to think that Scootaloo was serious.

Chapters (1)

As children and as adults, Twilight always had conflicted views about her brother. Pure and simple, he was a weirdo around her. Sometimes, he would be in a good mood. Sometimes, he would be in a bad mood. And sometimes, he would be smarter than her using his strange logic. For Twilight, logic does not exist. Not that kind of logic. That logic was wrong because it always, always made her feel stupid.

Her brother Shining was aware of that and took pleasure in taking her down a notch. It's only a game that only smart ponies could understand... And if his sister couldn't understand that, she didn't deserve to call herself the smartest.

Chapters (1)

Silver Spoon wanted nothing more than a summer spent shopping and hanging out with her best friend. Except when she finds out Diamond Tiara went on vacation for the entire summer, and her dad forces her to run his summer lodge by Swan Lake, Silver Spoon knows this will be the worst summer ever. Especially when she finds out who her first customers are.

What's worse is after a canoeing mishap, Silver Spoon finders herself drawn to a certain crusader.

Can she resist Sweetie Belle's charms?

Edited by: Elric of Melnipony
Proofread by: RaylanKrios

For contodaslasganas who was promised a Spoon fic a long time ago.

Chapters (2)

Applejack is a hardworking mare. But perhaps she is working too hard? Perhaps she needs a vacation to take some time away from the craziness that appears so frequently.

But where would she go?
A spa to get made as pretty as possible?
Perhaps a five star hotel to be waited on every second of the day?

If not those, then what else could there be?

Chapters (4)

You're just an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life. But your life changes one miserable Monday, when you arrive home to find an unexpected visitor in your house: specifically, you discover Twilight Sparkle in your bed.

Things go downhill fast.

And she's just your first visitor.

Tags and contributing authors will be added as needed. A couple new chapters will be added daily until the well runs dry. Continuity is overrated, so don't complain about it. It's a thematic collab, not a big budget Hollywood movie where there are never any continuity errors.
Do you want to join? Click here!

Chapters (77)

Pinkie Pie comes home from court one day, and finds out someone has stolen her identity. No one tends to believe her until they see for themselves. She nicknames the impostor "Sneakie Pie". This story takes place after "Too Many Pinkie Pies". :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash, like many others, thought bat ponies were only a bedtime story to scare foals. After meeting the rather rude and fairly bitter Quick Silver, she wishes they had stayed that way. Tasked by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Rainbow must travel to one of the bat ponies villages in order to learn more about their culture and save them from prosecution from the Canterlot nobility. A simple mission made harder by their loyalty to Princess Luna, and their lack of guilt for their aid to Nightmare Moon so many centuries ago.

This was actually an idea I had ages ago during EQD's bat pony write off last year but never got around to writing due to overwhelming laziness. Bat ponies aren't out of style right?

Chapters (3)