• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

Beautiful Philial Love 4 stories
Found 4 stories in 26ms

Total Words: 22,190
Estimated Reading: 1 hour



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After a discussion in class, Twilight has a very important question to ask her mentor Princess Celestia.

Pre read by ZOMG, Jumbled Thought, Cerulean Voice and Zodiac.
Edited by Dont Look At My Name Bro

Chapters (1)

Unwilling to sleep in his own boring and less-than-comfortable bed, Spike presents Twilight with a deep and compelling argument as to why she should be his bed for the night.

TwiSpike cuddle time abounds...

Now with a reading by Quillo Manar!

Art by jesrartes

Chapters (1)

Where the world was once her stage, the stage is now her world, and Octavia feels trapped. Will the appearance of a certain pink pony stop her descent, or will she get to mope in peace? Will Octavia get to eat her cucumber roll while she's at it?

The answer to the last question is probably "no".

Chapters (1)

Cloudsdale's Winter Rollout announcment for a white winter all season long puts everypony on the Ponyville weather team in a jovial mood. A wonderland with holiday cheer and snow-filled festivities all winter long will make the end of the year one to remember for sure, that is except for one rainy mare.

Sprinkle Medley, the newest and youngest pegasus of the weather team, feels buried alive in the news with depression overwhelming her like an avalanche. Skipping her daily duties, she retires to her living room with a roaring fire and a nice cup of cocoa to keep her company as she tries to ride out the flurry of emotions alone.

Proofread and Pre-Read by Nopony_Important, Sky Shocker, and mattstheman
Cover Art Princess of Rain III by bluemeganium

Chapters (1)