• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 5th, 2016


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

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The decision is yours to read it or not in its current state.

-story inspired by the PC game, "The Cat Lady"-

I try to get along with everyone. Not just everypony, but everyone. I try to live my life as peacefully as I can with every creature. But sometimes, others treat me like dirt! Why are they so mean? Why is it so easy for so many to be arrogant? What, they think they're better than me? Is that what they think? IS IT?!

Calm down Fluttershy, breath in...breath out... *sigh* It's not like me to be angry...sorry...

*sigh* Yeah, this isn't me...But I'm soo tired of being pushed around at times that it just gets to me, you know?

Remember Gilda? A majestic creature in her own right. And such a good physical specimen of a griffon, too! Too bad she's only a good physical specimen...*sigh*

But, what's this? This creature, looks like a griffon...but is not?

Oh, and it's a 'he.' Oh...my....

Chapters (8)

Pipsqueak and his Mum attend a high-society event hosted by Equestria and dedicated to the kingdom's gryphon friends. Other pony nations, like Maretonia, are also invited.

Foreign delegates and dignitaries. Nobles and royalty. Ponies from outside the kingdom. It will definitely be a fancy event.

But Pipsqueak and his Mum are just common folk...it just so happens that Pipsqueak knows the Princess of the Night.

A special night, with his favorite princess...what could possibly go wrong?

UPDATE: (Dec.17,2014) This is my first fic. Other fics are being written. Some are actually done (BOOK 2, Lu-). But I can't publish until I learn as much as I can from this first fic. I appreciate short, sweet comments. Sometimes they are feedback enough. But, if you can, please give details about the things you liked and disliked. I've had some give such comments, and I very much appreciate them. Such comments can give me lessons and ideas that I can apply to unpublished fics and fics in progress.

Just wanting to improve, so that I could write stories you guys would enjoy.

Chapters (17)