• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

Not Quite For Everyone 4 stories
Found 4 stories in 31ms

Total Words: 10,562
Estimated Reading: 42 minutes



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Luna's return was met with significant fanfare, though with all the fuss dying down, and with the formal re-establishment of the night court months away, Luna seems to have had little to do other than lounging around.

or so Celestia thinks.

When she finds Luna entering the Ministry of Records unannounced she wonders, Just what is her little sister up to?

Edit: WOOO! Featured on June 2, 2015 (at least in my country's timezone i think) Thanks to everyone!

Chapters (1)

Hoofenmouth is starting out at a new school. Cool. The students there seem nice. Cool. Typical day for the first day, nothing to write home about. Cool.

But Hoof sees that a large number of girls in the student body—damn near all of them, in fact—are wearing short skirts or dresses. And seeing this makes the troubled boy perpetually horny.

Not cool.

Hopefully, Hoof's problem won't be too bad. Or at least won't come too quickly . . .



Rated "Teen" for some naughty thoughts and heavy, heavy implications of premature ejaculation and masturbating.

Chapters (1)

(The picture is a cropped one of a larger product which was made by RomanJe on Deviantart and belongs to thesassyjessy on Deviantart.)

You've been stranded in this magic pony talking land for 6 years now. Thankfully you haven't lost your sanity despite being restricted to the Canterlot Castle this entire time.

During that time however, you've become friends with the Princess of the Night and, apparently, the Moon. Her name is Princess Luna but she does seem to have a mix of medieval and modern speech.

Though you wish to say she's your best friend with the pranks you both do and all around the castle. You can't help but wonder why she hangs around with you all the time though.

(Rated T for teen due to minor swearing.)

Chapters (1)

Applejack sells apples and Apple accessories. That includes iPhones now. Pinkie Pie buys one for three bits.

Edited/Pre-read by: Gemstone The Unicorn.

Chapters (1)