• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

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This is meant as an alternate/speculative take on what Season 3 might be like, drawing heavy inspiration from the third season of ReBoot.

During Shining Armour and Cadance's wedding reception, Princess Luna speaks with Twilight in private, to warn her of an impending Changeling attack on Ponyville. She then assumes the role of Ponyville's military commander, with Derpy serving as her second in command.

Ponyville has become Equestria's first line of defence against the Changelings.

Using this map by Aurebesh for reference.

Cover art by Rando-Meeks

Note: This fic does not fit with the canon map of Equestria. In this, Ponyville is the westernmost settlement in Equestria, Appleloosa is the easternmost with deserts stretching beyond pony territory, and the Everfree Forest covers Equestria's western border.

Second note: As I started writing this before I heard anything about Season 3, there's no reconciling this fic with Season 3.

Chapters (13)

Commander Thorn was just another clone out of millions. He was strong, he would never back up for a fight, and he would give his life for the Republic... Unfortunately that last thing became reality.

While on a mission to escort senator Amidala while she would begin negotiations with the Banking Clan, Separatist forces landed in the neutral-zone and began attacking Commander Thorn and his squad.

They were no match for the Droid forces and were all killed.

5 shots in the chest was all it took to put Commander Thorn down.

But what if his journey as a Clone isn’t over? What if this is just the beginning of something new?

Let's see how everypony will react to this Clone Commander.

He's got his blasters, he's got his armor, the only thing he doesn’t have is a way home.

but he will find a way home, of that he is certain.

Chapters (31)