Cloudsdale's Winter Rollout announcment for a white winter all season long puts everypony on the Ponyville weather team in a jovial mood. A wonderland with holiday cheer and snow-filled festivities all winter long will make the end of the year one to remember for sure, that is except for one rainy mare.
Sprinkle Medley, the newest and youngest pegasus of the weather team, feels buried alive in the news with depression overwhelming her like an avalanche. Skipping her daily duties, she retires to her living room with a roaring fire and a nice cup of cocoa to keep her company as she tries to ride out the flurry of emotions alone.
Proofread and Pre-Read by Nopony_Important, Sky Shocker, and mattstheman
Cover Art Princess of Rain III by bluemeganium
I believe it should say I'm not against happiness....
Yay! I liked this story! I like both rain and snow, depending on the memories I have associated with each.
Excellent story as usual. I like how Rainbow Dash was characterized, as she perfectly fit her canon persona in my opinion. Sprinkle Medley also had a great character, as I could feel her sadness as I read the story. Additionally, the prose was excellent and the dialogue felt natural. As for errors, Other than the one Tennis Match Fan mentioned, I didn't notice any other errors. Great work, and good luck in the contest!
Thanks for the catch! If you find anything else, please PM me so I can get cracking on the nitpicks.
As always, you're so kind with your praises Manaphy. I can't wait to read some of the other entries. Hopefully the little blurb at the end will catch some more attention for the contest/group.
Oh, gee, this doesn't sound at all like the author wants to garner sympathy for their SAD. Go buy a fucking full-spectrum lamp.
I don't care if you meant it that way or not. I see it as a shameless attempt to garner upvotes, because the vast majority of Fimfiction is a bunch of Deviantart-grade (read: carcinogenic enough for weapons) circlejerking morons who just want to spew "OMG ATHOR IS SO KURAJEOUS" at every opportunity.
That is not kosher shit. Though it is very well-written, and I can respect you from a sense of writing mechanics.
5406859 Very welcome!
I didn't see anything else, so you're good. 
I feel that since you took the time to help me earlier, I at least owe you as much as reading this story.
And I am very glad that I did. This story really kinda spoke to me in a way, I don't really know which exactly but I felt it all the same. And did you say more stories on the way?
I await them.
Congrats on no dislikes so far!
Even I couldn't bring myself to.
Huh. I never knew Sprinkle Medley existed either, but now I do. Wonderful story, by the way.
Uh... the spectrum lamp thing confuses me, but I assume it's meant to be a bad thing. I am sorry that you see this as mere upvote bait. I try to not write stories that pander to such whims, but it doesn't mean it can't happen on accident or at least be viewed that way. I hope you didn't confuse upvoting with contest voting in the authors note. I am fairly certain you didn't, but I just wanted to bring more attention to the contest going on.
If you dislike this one, then you're gonna wanna stay away from my other one-shots, but you might like The Trying Times of Ahuizotl if you like comedy. It updates infrequently though. Glad you thought it was well written, even though you didn't think to highly of the content. This is going to sound weird probably, but If you dislike the content to such a degree, I would value that downvote much more than nothing at all.
It spoke to you? I hope it said cool stuff like "Free ice cream on Wednesdays" or something. Love me some vanilla soft serve. Also, when I said "more on the way", I was referring to Contest #3 of the group Characters That Need More Stories. I don't have any other winter/holiday themed stories planned. Again, keep an eye on that for when the polls open. I can't vote for anything myself since I submitted a story so please vote for what you think the best story is, even if it's not this one. The more the merrier!
Thanks, but there is another way to look at the voting system. As of 1:07 PM (CST) on 12/21/2014, I see 53 views this story has so far, but it only left a strong enough impression on 15 folks to warrant an opinion on it. There are 14 likes, 1 unclicked dislike (Incineratechicken), and 38 "meh's". Kind of a bad way to look at it, but... meh.
Glad you liked it. Thank Manaphy for introducing the character to me so I could do research on her. Inspiration can come from the weirdest things.
It was kinda a half-hearted insult. Though you should probably go buy one if you get down in the winter often.
I can appreciate an author who'll warn people who don't like their style away. That shows a lot more security in your writing ability than most of the obnoxious gobshites I deal with.
Good luck in the future, anyway.
5408714 so much for that.
Well it was fun while it lasted anyways!
5413498 good point. which story will I vote for? This is sooo good too.
And yes, I'm kinda one of your Audience of One. I read this kinda depressed, today, not able to even work on my cover art. All of my editors are not available to edit any of the fics I've finished writing, and all that jazz.
Eating 3 bars of chocolates, thinking it would lift my spirit up, only got me into an insulin rush so strong I am still reeling from its effect. NOT good for depression.
Thank you for writing such a beautiful slice of life fic.
Sending you a PM for possible corrections.
You're not alone on that front, my friend.
Thanks for enjoying your read of this. Meant a lot to hear those kind words and thanks again for your help on the proofing front.
That was a cute story. Well done.
First story I've read about Sprinkle Medley - I actually found this when wondering if anyone had used her as a character before. So thanks for the links in your author's note!
Anyway, I'm glad that you mentioned a few times how young Sprinkle Medley is. Not that I think she's over-reacting or anything, but that kind of behaviour in response to personal emotions is something I wouldn't expect from an older character. Her youth makes the actions she takes in the story more sympathetic, as far as I'm concerned.
Liked it!
Glad you enjoyed it. The contest was fun and she was sweet little pony to get to know while exploring her character.
You can has review!
*Flips table!* Use Rainbow Dash once to establish the character, then Rainbow the entire time, or Rainbow Dash the entire time! (In the narrative.) My OCD is angry with you!
Ok, onto serious needs, needs more lesbian horse kisses.
Ok, now actually onto seriousness. I am now super curious if they did nature sound stuff on vinyl or if that's purely a modern thing...
Ok, now onto the actual story comments... (Yes, it took me this long. Love you Rego! :D) I really like the little weather plan thing. Also cuteness! You have earned the highest gif honor I can bestow for cuteness.
It took a minute, but we got there!
I expected the lesbian horse angle, not the RD-centric one. I have committed a grave sin.
Since CDs and cassettes don't seem to exist anywhere in MLP, I tend to utilize vinyl records (or magic crystals if the pony is rich) as a stand-in for any audio format.
What a delightful little story this one :O
Excellently well done, and a wonderful read, do keep it up! And have a follow, fren
Thank you! I appreciate the speed at which you read just as much as your feedback, cause Jiminy Christmas that was fast!
I am nothing if not a speedreader ;D
Good stuff, not exactly industrial strength but left an aftertaste.
This was an interesting character study of a new cog in the machine depressed at not getting to do the type of work she wants to do, trying to break free from her family's shadow, frustrated that her passion isn't widely shared, and at risk of spiraling. It has nice thematic touches like the Weathermare's Almanac, the record check-out and wry food-inspired wordplay like "what's eatin' ya', Sprinkles".
Since full feedback was requested in Comment Exchange, I also note it has some grammatical issues; however, since your author notes explicitly indicate you prefer grammar, etc. details be placed in a private message, I commented upon those pieces to you via that way. These minor points only slightly affected my experience.
The story's core, its interaction between Sprinkles and Rainbow Dash and their reflection on Sprinkles' past and pony weather preferences, shined through. This story does what was advertised and succeeds at achieving the expected melancholy mood, accompanied by the aforementioned quirky playfulness.