• Member Since 14th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Just someone who likes to write stories and music

Blog Posts

  • 94 weeks
    Big Announcements!

    So first of all, I'm an uncle now! My niece was born last week and I took some time off to go spend time with my family and celebrate the new arrival, and now I'm back with news.

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    3 comments · 199 views
  • 97 weeks
    Chapter 5 Announcement

    It's been a while but the waiting is about to be over. Chapter 5 of The Angel of the Everfree is in the final editing stages and should be out either tomorrow or Sunday! This one has proven to be the longest chapter yet, so I hope that helps make up for the four month wait:twilightblush:

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    0 comments · 112 views
  • 102 weeks
    All Revisions are Finished!

    Just finished revising and updating the last uploaded chapter. You know what that means?

    Only new chapters from here on out!:yay:

    I would highly recommend rereading the revised chapters as a lot more was changed than I originally intended and the newer chapters won't make sense without reading them. Sorry for the inconvenience but I think you all will enjoy the revisions greatly (at least I hope).

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    0 comments · 109 views
  • 104 weeks
    Question Concerning The Angel of the Everfree

    Hey guys, as I said before I'm currently revising the chapters already published and as some of you have already seen the first revised chapter is already up. Unfortunately, while I had originally planned to only make minor changes and just keep them published as I revised them what ended up actually happening is that they have changed so much that, while they make sense to the fully realized story as I have it now, they no longer make sense with what's up. Because of this I've been going back

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    1 comments · 108 views
  • 106 weeks
    New Cover and Description

    Just finished making a new cover and description for The Angel of the Everfree as well as updating the tags.

    What this actually means is that you guys can expect the revised chapters very soon and, even more importantly, new chapters!

    0 comments · 108 views

Everything You Need to Know About TwilightVanguard58

Location: Texas, USA
Occupation: Sound Engineer/Sound System Installer
Education: Bachelor in Music(unfinished)
Favorite Animal: Spinosaurus(Extinct) and Whales(Still Alive)
Favorite Show: MLP:FiM and Mythbusters
Favorite Movie/Franchise: Jurassic Park and Godzilla
Favorite Pony: Tie between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle
Favorite Color: Pine Green and Crimson
Worst Fear: The Deep Ocean and Grasshoppers
End Goal: Writing and Film(either directing or music)

Other Sites You Can Find Me


Big Announcements! · 4:32am Oct 4th, 2022

So first of all, I'm an uncle now! My niece was born last week and I took some time off to go spend time with my family and celebrate the new arrival, and now I'm back with news.

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Report TwilightVanguard58 · 199 views · Story: Legends of the Past ·


Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

And it warms my heart to know Electro Swing inspires you. I'll do my best to stay in that bracket as it keeps going.

I am but I'd rather discuss any details in PMs

Are you open for requests/commissions?

Thank you very much for watching me!

Thank you kindly. I tried to make sure each character has their own... well character, so I'm glad Fleur gets love too.

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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