My darling, I compare you to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots. Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels.
Greetings and bienvenue, I am Michael Ravencroft. Writer and artist. From the obscure, to the known, from Comics, to Tokusatsu, nothing eludes my creative eyes. Hark the Raven.
Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.
Well I'm just a casual fan of mlp but I do enjoy the show. I like to write stories about pony and human/furry interactions.
What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.
When I'm not writing stories, I'm writing essays. My keyboard sees fairly frequent use. University student, high functioning Rainbow Dash enthusiast, and satirical activist.
“Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, only exhuberance.” ~Anne Sexton
I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike and Starlight. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.
We were wrong about it all. The end is never the end and they showed us that.
A smut-peddling armchair general with a love for writing and ponies.
English Major, Fiction Writer, Purple Unicorn. Will Add More Later.
I like 'em big. I do commissions! Check out my policy here.
I was shattered, yet you picked up my broken parts. I was torn apart, yet you stitched me up. You never gave up, so neither will I.~ Pastel Candy Candies
Discovering colored cartoon ponies was one of the best times of my life... how many people get to say that? XD
Just an all-around friendly person/class clown. I'm awesome and I don't do $#!+. Hug Department: Always Open~
The police belong to the people; and the people belong to the police.
Young, Clueless, a dragon with hunger for a hoard of knowledge but my hoard is to be spread with friends, families and more.
I'm not the best writer, but I can write.
I self-published my first book. Check out my website at
Crazy cat lady, Slytherin, 26, Wiccan, dabbler of pony fic
"To become who you are meant to be. You must first accept your flaws, then make them into your strengths; only then, can you fully be who you are meant to be" now with Deviantart
Something, something, something, dark side. Something, something, something, complete.
Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.
South Ozzie, if I get too serious, slap me silly. My mind works in myste...why do I smell pink?
A self-taught writer, I have written a couple short stories for college and would love your critiques and feedback to help in my goal of going from writer to author.
Game Dev, Reviewer, Artist, Singer...what can't I do? (Also dis be Clemmie and Glace)
Learn to love the writing, of telling a story that you want told, and not the recognition that comes with it. When skill and passion atrophy, write for yourself, and in time, you'll inspire others.
Hello, I am Brony who likes more than just My Little Pony. I also like trains, classic tv shows, action flicks, WWII history and technology, and lots more.