• Member Since 11th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2018

Hazuki Shimizu

Game Dev, Reviewer, Artist, Singer...what can't I do? (Also dis be Clemmie and Glace)

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Found 5 stories in 22ms

Total Words: 9,536
Estimated Reading: 38 minutes


This story is a sequel to Abandoned and Alone

Aviana is Part of an Outcast a group of ponies in her school. She has depression that affects her. The outcasts aren’t recognized, but are all extraordinary. Alvon is part of the Populars,so he has a power over ponies in the school, however he doesn’t want it. He just wants Aviana-the filly he finds out that he likes. Spring Blossom is trying to find her place in the world and she will do anything to find it. Crystal wants a stable relationship. She thought she had one with Alvon but she was wrong. now she’s looking for love while trying to win Alvon back. Lime Overtime and Lemona have a secret that they try to keep from their friends, so that the groups wouldn’t fall apart...

Help from:
Lime Overtime
Thunderbolt Sentinel
thanks buddies!

Cover by

Chapters (1)

Blazing Night has made plenty of mistakes before but this one is both good and bad she has a daughter Glimmering Sunset but when her father leaves before she was born life became hard for Blaze.

Chapters (1)

Francis grew up with a loving mom but a abusive dad in Manehatten and he decided to run away with his mom to Ponyville at his Aunt's. Amla Grew up in Canterlot with everything but love when her parents leave for a important business and she has to live with her grandparents in Ponyville for the time being until they return. But when a event happens in Ponyville fate brings them together.

Chapters (1)

Leila was abandoned by her family and friends in her old life in Manehatten she must now switch to a new life in Ponyville where everything is calm and friendships are born but the problem is she has depression and her abusive former mother which are two barriers she has to over come will she find love and friendship or will she forever stay abandoned and alone.
Image by me...

Chapters (3)

Welcome to WPU a Public University located on the western side of Ponyville. Join many funny crazy, and wonderful characters as they go through their first semester in college as they deal with hard hitting issues from suicide to drugs.

Chapters (1)