• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


Happy Birthday, Lauren Faust · 4:02pm 9 hours ago

Today is Lauren Faust's birthday. If it wasn't for her vision and determination to make MLP good, FiM as we know it would've never existed. Of course, she is also the wife of Craig McCracken, who gave us such cartoons as The Powerpuff Girls, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and Wander Over Yander, the former two of which Lauren actually wrote for.

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Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown · 4:08pm 6 days ago

So it is that we come to the third and final Nick Confalone Equestria Girls special. He had previously brought the franchise to a new high with "Forgotten Friendship", then brought it to a new low with "Rollercoaster of Friendship". By now, all the focus was on the upcoming Season 9 of its sister series, because word had gotten out that it was the last season. Nick Confalone would return to FiM for one more episode in that season, so this was not his swan song. But did this special accomplish

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Happy Birthday, Andrea Libman and Chiara Zanni · 3:53pm July 19th

Today we have not one but two birthdays to celebrate, and in a very big way too. Today is the birthday of both Andrea Libman and Chiara Zanni. Andrea voiced Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Fleetfoot, Bon Bon, Pumpkin Cake, and a variety of other characters across FiM's nine seasons. And Chiara Zanni voiced Daring Do in the character's appearances in Seasons 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9.

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Episode Re-Review: Father Knows Beast · 4:29pm July 13th

By this point, Season 8's best episodes were behind it, and just about everyone was ready to leave it behind and declare it the worst season of the show. And for the penultimate episode of said season, we have a Spike episode penned by none other than Josh Haber. This should've been a recipe for success considering Josh not only wrote "Gauntlet of Fire", Spike's best episode, but also wrote "Molt Down" which did Spike justice and gave him wings. Yet many would say this is a contender for

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Happy Birthday, Claire Corlett · 3:26pm July 9th

Today is Claire Corlett's birthday. She is the talented young woman who voiced Sweetie Belle across all nine seasons of FiM. She later became the voice of Surprise, and a few background characters in later seasons, alongside Michelle Creber.

She is also the daughter of Ian James Corlett, who is himself a prolific voice actor in Vancouver. And I believe she also has a brother who is also involved in voice acting.

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Episode Re-Review: A Rockhoof and a Hard Place · 3:46pm July 6th

First and foremost, I would like to provide a brief update to what I touched on back in "Marks for Effort". My dad's not going to retire after all, so I'm not in immediate need of funds. I'm still going to keep my paid commissions account up for referal, though. And now back to the show. After "Yakity Sax" screwed things up, Season 8 did seem to once again improve with two episodes that were actually good in both "Road to Friendship" and "The Washouts". But even those episodes had their

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1,100 Followers! · 3:21pm July 4th

Yesterday night, I managed to officially reach the 1,100 followers milestone! Needless to say, I'm speechless. I most certainly never imagined getting this far when I started this account all the way back in 2012.

I don't have anything in mind to celebrate it, but I hope I can continue to make those of you who followed me proud and glad that you did.


Episode Re-Review: Yakity Sax · 3:45pm June 29th

It looked like Season 8 might be finally getting back on track after it fell hard from grace with "Non-Compete Clause". We had an honestly good episode in the form of "The Hearth's Warming Club" that finally painted the school in a good light, then we had "Friendship University" which at least gave us a proper RarityxTwilight episode, and then we had "The End in Friend" which managed to salvage itself in its third act. However, this episode ended up getting an early airing in the states, on a

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Episode Re-Review: The End in Friend · 4:35pm June 22nd

Season 8 kept on going, even as episodes started to be leaked ahead of time in other countries again. It looked as if the worst was over for Season 8 after "A Matter of Principals", "The Hearth's Warming Club" was widely praised and "Friendship University" was seen by most at least not an infamously bad episode (which Season 8 seemed to have an unusually high concentration of). And now we have this episode, penned by G. M. Berrow, who by this point had stopped penning chapter books and had

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Episode Re-Review: Friendship University · 3:45pm June 15th

Season 8 returned to the airwaves around August, like always, but the first episode to greet viewers was the absolute disaster that was "A Matter of Principals", in which Discord became the latest character to be completely ruined. And the worst part was he got off scot free for his actions. Things seemed to be better with "The Hearth's Warming Club", which finally let the student/young six hold an episode mostly on their own. And thus we come to this episode, penned by Chris "Doc" Wyatt and

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