• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(Loosely based on "Too Much Detail" by EbbySharp on DeviantArt.)

Pipp Petals learns of a threat made against her life ahead of one of her upcoming concerts. Her mother's consistent nagging about it thus forces the popstar princess to hire an official bodyguard to be on her security detail.

Hitch decides to volunteer Sprout for the role after hearing of how bored his former deputy is. Sprout, for his part, is not thrilled in the slightest to be spending considerable time with a pegasus, especially one who stills harbors some resentment towards him.

Neverthless, Sprout will try his hardest to protect Pipp's life. Now if only she would listen to him about the dangers in crowds and other potential threats.

Chapters (1)

(Based on a request by Lavapede. Takes place before the time skip in "The Last Problem".)

Not long after taking the throne, Princess Twilight receives an invitation from Sunset Shimmer to come to the human world. Eager for a chance to get away from the pressures of ruling and relax, Twilight agrees and brings all her friends with her.

But as it turns out, Sunset Shimmer isn't just looking to catch up with old friends. She and the Rainbooms want to challenge Princess Twilight and the ponies to a series of sports in order to see who's truly the best.

Despite the disadvantages faced by the ponies, Princess Twilight and her friends all agree. With even Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer agreeing to take part, it's anyone's guess as to who will win what and whether ponies or humans will triumph overall.

Chapters (1)

While still adjusting to his new life in Equestria, Comet is coming to grips with a strange feeling for one of his friends: Misty. More specifically, he's found himself in love with her, the first time he's ever felt such a thing.

Of course, being a complete stranger to romance and being somewhat socially awkward, Comet struggles with how best to tell Misty. Plus, he isn't sure if she loves him back or if the attraction is one sided.

So Comet does the only thing he can think to do: Turn to his friends for help. But can they really help Comet work up the nerve to confess?

Chapters (1)

Twilight has recently come to the realization that Princess Cadence and Prince Blueblood are family, both having been adopted by Princess Celestia in their youth. Despite this, Twilight can't think of a time when she's ever seen Cadence and Blueblood interact, or even mention each other.

Determined to find out why, Twilight decides to ask Cadence herself. Cadence is understandably hesitant to mention her adopted brother, for reasons she believes to be very valid.

But when Blueblood ends up suddenly hospitalized with a serious illness, the complicated relationship and estranged family bonds are put to the ultimate test. Cadence must decide whether or not she can put aside her personal feelings and be there for her adopted brother when he needs her most.

(Featured on 6/24/2024.)

Chapters (1)

Every Father's Day in Maretime Bay, Sunny Starscout has a tradition that she likes to do. She sits down and all by herself she writes a letter: A letter to her father, Argyle.

This year, Sunny has lots of new developments to share with him. And it doesn't matter to her that he'll never be able to reply to any letters she sends.

(Spoilers!:Other tag is for a brief appearance by Zipp.)

Chapters (1)

(Takes place within the universe of A Captain's Reflection, and just before the time skip in "The Last Problem".)

Rainbow Dash is still trying to get her bearings as the new captain of the Wonderbolts, learning all the ins and outs of what it means to lead the team. Even though she has some of the other senior bolts to lean on for support, being captain is very much a learning experience for Rainbow.

Things only get more complicated when an unexpected rival shows up in the form of Lightning Dust. She's resurrected and restructured the Washouts, and wants to challenge the Wonderbolts to see who truly deserves to be known as Equestria's greatest flyers.

Facing a dilemma about how best to put Lightning Dust in her place, Rainbow Dash decides to swallow some of her pride and reach out to the old captain: Spitfire. In particular, Rainbow hopes the former captain will come out of retirement for one last grand performance.

Chapters (1)

(This story is a semi-sequel to Sun and Flurries, and its related semi-sequels. Familiarity with those works is not required to understand this one. Based on a request from Yaakov Lubin.)

Spike has accepted the request that he become the next dragon lord, even though it means he'll have to leave Twilight and leave behind his position of royal advisor. But Spike has reluctantly decided that it's just what he'll have to do.

As Spike prepares to transition to his new title and his new life, he is surprised to be receive a visit from a princess. Not just any princess, but Princess Flurry Heart, herself a relatively new ruler of the Crystal Empire.

Shocked by the news of Spike's change, Flurry Heart opts to have a conversation with her unofficial "Uncle". In particular, she has her own worries and fears related to her job title that she hopes he'll be able to help her with.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place within the universe of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: What If? and its many sequels. Familarity with them is recommended, but not required.)

It's back once again, that series which has always asked and sought to answer the question "What if things were written differently?". This time, rather than episodes from the show, it's tackling the big 2017 theatrical movie.

Twilight Sparkle is excited to host the very first Festival of Friendship, right in her hometown of Ponyville. But she's also starting to have doubts about how great of a princess she truly is in the wake of a costly mistake made not too long ago. Luckily, she has her friends by her side along with her faithful companion and adopted family member Spike.

But just as everything's in place for the festival to begin, things go awry. A hornless unicorn named Tempest Shadow launches an invasion on behalf of an evil known as the Storm King, and she soon sets her sights on all four alicorn princesses: Twilight included. Twilight and her friends only barely manage to escape.

Facing a threat unlike anything they've ever dealt with before, Twilight hopes to recruit a new ally in the form of Queen Novo, and her friends insist on tagging along. Their journey will take them beyond the borders of Equestria, to lands never seen before, and will test their friendship in ways unimagined. Can the magic of friendship survive when it is placed under extreme stress?

As always, no disrespect is to intended to anyone at Hasbro, DHX, Boulder Media, or to anyone involved with the movie's creation: Be it from a writer, artist, or voice acting stand point.

Chapters (23)

Being the guards officially assigned to work directly for Queen Haven may not be the most stress free job in the world, but Thunder Flap and Zoom Zephyrwing wouldn't have it any other way. They've dedicated their lives to being there for her majesty, and come rain or shine (or whatever else there might be), nothing will stop them from carrying out their duties.

Follow the two on a typical day of service, juggling many responsibilities and assignments. Whether it be managing security detail when Queen Haven pays a visit to somewhere, smuggling in Alphabittle for a "meeting" with the queen, or even just making arrangements for Zipp and Pipp's visit with their mom.

All in a day's work for Zephyr Heights' best guards. The smiles from the queen are the only payment and thanks they'll ever need.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place within the universe of The Sitter with the Diamond Tiara and its semi-sequel A Dazzling School Daze. Familiarity with both is not required, aside from a little bit of context.)

Diamond Tiara has come to a realization of sorts about what her future should be and what sort of career she wants to pursue. A recent experience has convinced her to become a teacher, rather than take over her father's business.

But the young mare finds herself still plagued by uncertainty over her decision, doubts have crept into her mind about who she is and what her career path should really be. So she decides to have a talk with somepony she believes can help clear things up.

Cheerilee is quite surprised to be visited by one of her former students, but nevertheless agrees to hear Diamond out. And Cheerilee's advice and guidance might be just what Diamond Tiara needs to hear.

Chapters (1)