• Member Since 19th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2020

Nova Arc

Discovering colored cartoon ponies was one of the best times of my life... how many people get to say that? XD


Did Ya Miss Me?! · 5:17pm Sep 28th, 2019

Thought you could get rid of me that easily, huh? :pinkiecrazy:

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Report Nova Arc · 360 views · #Wuddup

Nova Digi Log: Happy Valentines Day! · 9:39pm Feb 14th, 2017

Hey, subbies! So yeah, unfortunately for you, I am not, in fact, dead.:pinkiecrazy:

So first and foremost, hopefully, you all had/have a fantastic Valentines Day with your special someone today!:rainbowkiss: I, on the other hand, am enjoying my current bachelor status.:derpytongue2:

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Nova Digi Log: Welcome the New Year · 12:09am Jan 1st, 2017

So... subscribers... it's 2017.

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Report Nova Arc · 555 views · #Digi Log #NEW YEAR!!!

Nova Digi Log: Merry Christmas!!! · 4:53am Dec 26th, 2016

Hey-O, subscribers!

Now that most of you are awake and I've seen a butt-load of your "Merry Christmas" blogs, 'bout time I did my own.

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I'm Sorry · 6:12pm Dec 19th, 2016

I've spent so much time whining about my own petty little problems over the last couple of days when there are people I care about with actual problems. I'm giong to try and stop. I promised myself that even though I've failed myself and dissappointed many people around me, I will do everything in my power to make sure no one else is left alone. It is a horrible feeling that no one else should have to experience. I know communication using PMs here isn't necessarily as smooth, but there are two

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I Feel So Weird · 4:09am Dec 18th, 2016

Sometimes I look at certain users' stats and... I'm not gonna lie, I get jealous. Not, "I hate this person for being more popular than me". More like, "What am I doing wrong?" kind of jealous. Granted I haven't been very active in groups...

I think I may be a bad person.:ajsleepy:

Report Nova Arc · 395 views · #hm...

From Vanilla Mocha · 12:38am Dec 18th, 2016

There has been a lot of commotion over on my FimFiction page and most recent blog about me leaving the site. For those of you that follow me on FimFiction please spread this journal link with my followers. It is important to read every word... I will not write as much as my last blog but I assure you that every word NEEDS to be read. Lots of people skimmed or read only parts and ended up TAKING IT OUT OF CONTEXT. With that being said, please proceed.

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Report Nova Arc · 325 views · #Sharing a link

Snova Digi Log: Sorry Guy's · 10:09am Dec 17th, 2016

I'm sorry for the last couple of post's subscribers.

I normally don't do sad blogs, but the last few weeks or so have been a bit... emotionally draining for me. A bit of an explanation after the break. If you don't wish to hear me ramble about my issues, this is as good a time as any to just move on. If you are, for whatever reason, interested in this, then sit tight. This may be pretty long.

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Note To Self · 6:02pm Dec 12th, 2016

You can't be freindly to everyone.

When are you giong to learn? Not everyone is nice and not everyone want you to be nice to them. Pay attention. Someone isn't going to be any less abrasive to you as they are to others around them; you're not that special, but also, you're not losing or gaining anything, so stop beating yourself up about it.

I know, I know. I wish I could stop caring.

Do you really?

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Report Nova Arc · 326 views ·

Be Honest · 2:43am Dec 12th, 2016

Am I too friendly? Do I try too hard?

Report Nova Arc · 364 views ·