• Member Since 29th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen July 17th

Queen of Fools

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Found 1 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 2,351
Estimated Reading: 9 minutes


G1 MLP / G4 MLP CROSSOVER. Megan Williams is a hard worker, an accomplished writer, and a thriving member of society, not to mention the savior of the world. So why does she feel so empty? Are the adventures of her childhood over? Or is this the beginning of a new generation of harmony?

Note: In this timeline, only the first G1 episode, Rescue at Midnight Castle, actually happened. Everything else is fictional, and has been written as fiction by Megan in universe, and is only semi-based on her further experiences in Ponyland. As such, Megan is the only human in this universe to have had contact with Ponyland, alongside Scorpan.

Chapters (1)