• Member Since 29th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 10th, 2023


One day I'll write a great story. In the meantime, I'll read them


Hi (and Bye) · 10:38pm Oct 15th, 2021

AKA, a long and confusing ramble about where I've been all this time and where I am now :b

So....I hadn't logged in to this site in....months, I think? I mean, even my profile pic still has the Christmas hat and it's already October again.
Thing is, I think I'm going to... *not* be here anymore. Not that anyone cares but...I just think I'd bring this to closure.
is that how you say it?

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Comments ( 12 )
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Thanks for the fave.

I'm currently reading the sequel :3

I saw you Favorited it. Did you look at the sequel?

Thanks for adding my story, hope you enjoy it! I know it's really dark at first.

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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