Author of the Kamen Rider Drake series and all around fan of...just about anything with action in it. Shooting Stars Away! -RedStar
Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my account :) And please support me on patreon!
Fellow Railfan Brony who thinks characters like Spike and Flash Sentry need more love.
Hmmm... What to write here? I'm 22 years of age Living in Cologne, Germany I'm writing for the fun of writing and all the ponies. Join us in insanity if you want. There's always room for more.
I live to serve ponies in need. To lend a helping hoof can make all of the difference in Equestria, even if it may seem insignificant at the time.
Just a veteran writing love stories for fun. If you want help or just to chat, hit me up, I always love to meet new people.
The window through which we perceive life is what defines our experience of it. We are only aware of a small fraction of what our senses pick up. We can all choose how we see the world.
Hi there! I decided to change my bio to a sexy inspirational quote! Everyone wants happiness, no one want pain, but u can't have a rainbow without a little rain :') follow & get hugs+cookies! *huggle*
I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.
Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pony procreation...
I write for fun. I'm currently writing a persona mlp crossover, and will probably stick to persona related stuff in the future.
Everybody wants to make a statement, everybody needs to carve their mark. Stand alone in the victory circle, stake their claim when the music starts.
I'm the creator of,, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.
I wouldn't consider myself "insane" but I do like mlp, computer engineering, quantum physics, writing and art. So I try to do things which combine ALL those things. That's sane... right?
Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes and we keep loving anyway
Writer, artist, YouTuber. Like my work? Consider commissioning art from me (details on my user page) or supporting me on Patreon.
Just a plain user here with a penchant for stories, roleplay, computers, and SCIENCE. Also looking into writing my own stories too! Just as soon as I fix my horrendous English... Oh, and I do art too.
I am approximately 3 seconds away from wreaking havoc on my undergarments.
Despite my avatar, I am not actually a pony. (You may also see me around as m2pt5 rather than Emtu.)
It's so hard to write when one is trying not to starve.
Part time worker, part time writer, full time jabroni. Hello!
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the nuclear bomb's got them both beat.
Sometimes I wrestle with my demons. Other times we just cuddle.
TwiShy, AppleDash and Rarixie lover and writer. Also a gamer. Something else you need to know is that I'm strongly against Alicorn Twilight.
There are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.
God has blessed the world with three things: Pizza, Internet, and Ponies. It has been scientifically proven that, without these things, life would cease to exists, for sure.
"I'm not afraid of dying. I just don't want to be there when it happens." —Woody Allen
My Patreon:
Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!
Improve your skill by making it grow an inch a day. You will surprise yourself after a year goes by.
Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.