In Canterlot for what feels like a wild goose chase, Sunburst finds himself exhausted, frustrated, and just a bit temperamental. What better conditions to meet a cute mare under?
Pre-read by: ChappedPenguinLips
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the nuclear bomb's got them both beat.
Found 21 stories in 48ms
Total Words: 419,938
Estimated Reading: 1 day
In Canterlot for what feels like a wild goose chase, Sunburst finds himself exhausted, frustrated, and just a bit temperamental. What better conditions to meet a cute mare under?
Pre-read by: ChappedPenguinLips
Chrysalis kidnapped a dozen ponies, threatened Equestria, was betrayed by her own kind, and has now vowed vengeance on Starlight Glimmer before leaping from the ruins of her castle and flying off. She is definitely going to get away.
Reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade
Luna ruins a painting. No big deal, it was just the night after all.
Pre-read by: ChappedPenguinLips|Majora
While visiting Canterlot with Limestone, Marble runs into an energetic pony who could match her twin in cheerfulness. And she's cute. And wants to talk to her. And cute.
Naturally, Marble explodes from shyness.
Pre-read by: Timaeus
Ch. 1 Audio Reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade
It was the little things, really. Lightly brushing their hooves against each other when setting up traps, sharing their rations when food was low, the lingering gazes they'd exchange when there was free time. All of this eventually led Fluttershy to fall in love with Pinkie.
If only that weren't such a bad thing.
Pre-read by: Majora
Edited by: bathroomstahl
After realizing that Pinkie Pie is, without a doubt, one of the fastest ponies she's ever met, Rainbow Dash decides to challenge her to a race.
If only she knew what she was getting into.
Edited by: bathroomstahl
This story is a sequel to I'd Do Her
Note: Reading the prequel first is highly recommended.
With her dare complete, Rainbow Dash decides to get even with Applejack, but her plan... backfires a little.
Pre-read by: Timaeus | Abbeybunny13 | SapphireColors
Proof-read by: Majora
Reading by LandonWho