• Member Since 8th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen June 9th


Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h


Chapters 8 & 9 of MCLE Up! · 3:16pm Jan 5th, 2021

Hello everyone!

I hope you're doing well <3 I almost forgot to say that the next two chapters of "The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!" are up :) The story is almost over and a lot happens in these chapters - I hope you enjoy! Links below!

MCLE - Chapter 8 (Arrivals and Departures Part 1)

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Report Azure129 · 376 views ·

MCLE Updated with Chapter 6! · 2:48pm Sep 13th, 2020

Hi everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and staying safe! :heart: If you're looking for something to read today, the new MCLE chapter is up :) I hope you enjoy it!


Take care!


Report Azure129 · 191 views ·

LIVE READING of “Questions & K.K.!” ^_^ · 3:52pm Aug 1st, 2020

Hi everyone!!!!

Yes, there is now a full reading of my fic Questions & K.K.! ! Please check it out at the link below if you can :) Features some wonderful VA’s as Celestia, Discord, and Luna :) And I’m the narrator, so you get to hear me attempt that ^////^

Q&KK! Live Reading!

Thank you for your support, everyone! And take care! 💜


Report Azure129 · 192 views ·

Update Coming Soon for "The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!" Plus a surprise! :) · 3:34pm Jul 15th, 2020

Hi everyone!

I hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy and she :heart: I had to slow down updates a bit on the new story because the end of June was very full for me. But the new chapter should be up within the week -- it's a long one with lots of drama and twists some very heartfelt moments ^_^ And it definitely isn't the final chapter, so there's still more to look forward to.

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Report Azure129 · 227 views ·

Chapter 4 of "The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!" is Up! · 12:38am May 30th, 2020

Hello all!

Yes, it's finally ready and posted :) Thank you for your patience, and here you go!

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!

Everyone, take care!


Report Azure129 · 196 views ·

Chapter 2 of "The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!" is Up :) · 2:15am Apr 18th, 2020

Hi everyone!

Yup, I got chapter two done, and it's far too long, but it is posted finally lol! It gets complicated and a little wacky (but also a little romantic), and I hope you guys enjoy it :)

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!

Thank you all for your support! Take care!


Report Azure129 · 184 views ·

"The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!!" - 1st Chapter Up! · 10:59pm Apr 3rd, 2020

This is going to be madness - I really hope you guys like it and that it makes you smile a little in the middle of everything we're going through :) Thank you for reading and supporting me! Lots more story details in the A/N at the end of the first chapter. (Not sure of a post date for Chapter 2, but I can tell you the title will be "Tea for Ten (Plus One...?).

Here you go!

MCLE - Chapter 1

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Report Azure129 · 152 views ·

"The Most Chaotic Life Ever!" : Yet Another Sequel... · 2:11am Mar 26th, 2020

Hey everyone!

Hope all are well and safe and healthy <3

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Report Azure129 · 220 views ·

MCDE Epilogue Posted - Story Complete! (Info about future stories :) ) · 4:53pm Jan 12th, 2020

Hi everyone!

It's finally up! I hope you all enjoy it--I'm a little teary about posting it finally lol :fluttercry: But I'm happy it's up :yay:

The Most Chaotic Date Ever!!!

Future Stories:

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Report Azure129 · 240 views ·

NEW (and final--except for epilogue) CHAPTER OF MCDE UP!!! · 4:41pm Jan 6th, 2020

Hi everyone!!!

Yes, the new chapter is up! And it is the last full chapter, but an epilogue will be posted at the end of the week, and I hope you all enjoy it :yay: Thank you so much for reading!

The Most Chaotic Date Ever!!!

Happy New Year!


Report Azure129 · 157 views ·