This story is a sequel to The Most Chaotic Date Ever!!!
A few decades of family life for Discord and Celestia (happily married) and Luna in their castle under the peaceful reign of Twilight Sparkle has been a joy. Indeed, neither Equestria (nor their little family) has faced a severe crisis ever since the pre-coronation attack by Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow.
But times are changing - Twilight has a new special student: Luster Dawn. And Luster's first mission of friendship was to reform the evil trio. She reports success, and can't wait to show Twilight as well as the former rulers of Equestria (and several carefully chosen others) just how changed the villains are. The villains can't wait to show everyone a few things too. And Discord, Celestia, and Luna can't wait to be an active part of something bigger than themselves once again courtesy of the little ponies in their lives.
Welcome to a tea party for the ages where hopes, doubts, lies, longing, confusion, betrayal, jealousy, ambition, and of course love and friendship will all reveal themselves and be confronted in one of the most gloriously chaotic spectacles of potential disaster any creature has ever known. The Master and Mistress of Chaos are in for the evening of their lives.