This story is a sequel to We're the Same Too!: Rise of the Cameos!
The events leading into Season 9 have been filled with both tragedy and triumph, which has been great for adding to OOREV's member list! So many new faces abound in the club, all seeking friendship and a safe space to share their stories of growth. OOREV and Discord's presidency have thrived and finally led to the One Year Anniversary Celebration Extravaganza: a big bash thrown in Discord's cottage and hosted by the chaos master himself!
Unfortunately, a surprise OOLLA meeting called by Celestia in Canterlot reveals that Starswirl the Bearded has been tracking some strange magical shifts in Equestria that lead him to believe a group of powerful creatures are gathering...and he also senses evil.
What else can Discord do but tag along with Celestia and Starswirl in a desperate attempt to prevent the exposure of OOREV? (And also to butt horns with the old wizard who is clearly having the audacity to suggest Discord's secret club is evil...right?)
Meanwhile, Luna holds down the fort at the party...and makes a new friend.
Final installment for the 'We're the Same!' series! FABULOUS cover art is 'Reformed Villains Snack Shenanigans' by Doodle-Mark used with permission!
Yes... YES.
Commence with the Pharynx and Luna ship
I like this. It's so cute and wholesome, feels like a hug in book form
Also, you're on for a bit of a surprise on the finale, but I'm not spoiling
I loved this as I love anything you write :) I’m glad you’ve been writing and have been so active lately. My favorite part has to be when they go to the human world. I have to say I wasn’t expecting Discord to turn into a horse. Also, good job, you’ve made me ship Luna and Pharynx
I am really excited to write these two as a ship, and I'm glad you're excited too! XD
Aww, that's like the sweetest comment I've ever gotten, thank you!!! And now I'm even more excited for the finale!
I was so excited to incorporate that into the story, and I'm glad it seems to be working :)
Thank you so much, and I'm happy to be back for a bit as well :) I had a little pocket of time between wrapping up some other projects and my fall schedule picking up, and I really wanted to get some stuff written and posted (especially before the end of the show). And yay, LunaxPharynx is taking off lol!
It's gonna be fricken amaziny
Omg this was so cute! I loved how you ended it in the finale episode. I can’t wait for Endgame if Chaos, MCDE, and hopefully more stories about Discord and Celestia in the future!
twas cute! I approve
Thank you!!
Thank you!! :) I really liked getting to take everything full circle with this series lol. "Endgame of Chaos" should be up soon since it won't be that long, and MCDE I'm hoping to have up by January--after that I'm very open to new stories about these two
If you ever need ideas I have some good ones lol. I can’t write at all so I have to put ideas out there and hope someone will take them 😂
A great ending, way to show how Discord came back from his disastrous actions in the finale. I was especially touched by how Discord and Starswirl started getting along better. After all, someone's got to give Tia away at their wedding someday!
Also, this
Deserves to be its own story, maybe an interquel?
I've only got the time now to finish reading this story, and I can say that you finished it wondefully! Also, love all the shipping you include, now you made me ship Luna and Pharynx too! And what can I say about Discord and Celestia - it's always a treat to read them. I really liked that you still wanted the evil trio to be reformed! And I agree with you that I don't think that Celestia and Luna fit in at Slver Shoals, I thought they would just retire at their old castle.
Can't wait to see how you finish "Endgame of Chaos"!
I'm so sorry I missed this comment, and thank you so much I'm glad you enjoyed the ending :) And yay someone else who agrees with me about Silver Shoals XD When they threw that line in about them living there, I just couldn't picture it at all. The castle suits them so much better <3 It's weird having this story be over but I'm happy everyone seemed to have fun reading it :) Take care!
Hahaha, man this is great.
You mad shipper you.
Still, I loved this little crazy story, and I love how it came to an end like this.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Writing this series was a lot of fun.
Lol, at the end I just shipped everyone with everyone - no regrets
Love love LOVE THIS!!! Finally finished the series (a few days ago actually. Just getting to reviewing it now 😅)
Beautiful writing of Discord as a character (and all of them for that matter), wonderful story plot, witty banter and dialogue that melts the heart, warms the soul, and makes one literally laugh out loud obnoxiously as the surrounding people wonder “what in the freaking heck is wrong with her?”, and overall if one wishes they could like and favorite a story multiple times then it must be good (actually, I just up with an idea for favoriting more than once…)

Five stars on Yelp
Six mustachioed Spikes for you:
And 10/10 donuts 🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩
"Baron" was originally a military title. Perhaps Pharynx could go with that. Thought to be cognate with the Old English "beorn."