Author of the Kamen Rider Drake series and all around fan of...just about anything with action in it. Shooting Stars Away! -RedStar
this is my thousandth time reading at fimfiction so i decided to make some stories so i can have an act of hobby
this is my personal, fanfic accounti really hope you guys would like my fanfics. you can add me on discord or subscribe to my YouTube channel
Big fan of Spike x Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon(2 in 1 deal pretty much), Spike x Chrysalis and huge fan of those 4 mentioned characters. Erm.. well wanted to mention that. Um.. yeah.
I'm glad to be here and I hope we all can be great friends
Im just a Green hoarse youtuber living in the everyday world
A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders
I am an Editor Per-Reader and Writer. PM me if you want me to Edit and/or Pre-Read your story.
Ever since the year 2020 has passed, its time for a new year, a new me, im going to be me for now on
Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.
"Don't be better than everyone else. Be better than yourself." - Now with a Patreon! Check it out! Commissions open!
"A new world awaits for you... A new beginning... With infinite possibilities... Until all six are united as one..." - Death
I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.
Hi, I am not a brony, but love good stories and this site has yielded many good works, also I'm a person who likes villains and thinks spike needs a bigger role in show than he has now.
Being an Introvert allows me to care about humanity, and yet despise human beings, simultaneously.
Just a young amateur writer who just wants to read and learn, nothing more
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
Hiatus for now. I'm into more adult themed anthropormorphic/TF stuff now