• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
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Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pony procreation...


People like this are honestly hilarious · 11:11am Feb 25th, 2023

Today, I got a certain message, one that I've had a few times in the past.

It's about a random person who I've never met, complaining about a comment I left on an M-Rated incestuous story, wherein I said "incest is wincest".

This is their message, verbatim:

Why are there disturbed people that give this community a gross and depraved reputation who make the world ending look welcoming and necessary?

Wincest? Really? :pinkiesick:

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Report Alcatraz · 374 views ·

A Long Overdue Update · 1:42pm Jan 9th, 2023

A fair few people have been asking when I'll get around to continuing The Evil Paradox.

Short answer is, I will.

The long answer? The last couple years haven't exactly been kind to me for a variety of reasons that I don't really want to get into, but what I will say is that it has a lot to do with finances and mental health.

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Report Alcatraz · 417 views ·

Monster Hunter is such a time sink · 2:16pm Mar 29th, 2022

200 hours in two and a half months of one of my favourite games of all time, sorry-not sorry I haven't written a single damned word of anything lately I've just been having way too much fun for what feels like the first time in years that isn't the toxic fucking cesspool that is Overwatch.

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Report Alcatraz · 294 views ·

Soon~ · 2:21pm Feb 6th, 2022

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finally fucking finished · 2:17pm Jan 19th, 2022

This chapter of TEP has just been one headache after another.

Imagine trying to complete a 5000 piece black and white gradient puzzle and having it take two years to do.

I don't know how much of a shit-show this chapter actually is until I get it sent off to be edited.

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Report Alcatraz · 350 views ·

Clop story update · 2:13pm Oct 6th, 2021

As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to write some more porn for the first time in years to try and get my creative juices flowing. Well, it seems to be working!

Two and a half weeks and nine-thousand words later, I'm really enjoying how this story is turning out. Hopefully I'll have it finished, then edited and published by the end of October.

Report Alcatraz · 219 views ·

Story update time! · 1:28pm Sep 19th, 2021

So, yeah... I haven't written much for TEP in over a year, but not without good reason.

The last couple years have been a complete dumpster fire for a multitude of reasons. Having to search for a new job, not working for months on end because of covid lockdown restrictions and so on, then landing two part time jobs. I just haven't had the mental energy to actually sit down and write much of anything, though that doesn't mean I haven't been doing nothing. Quite the contrary, in fact.

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Report Alcatraz · 351 views ·

Alright alright alright... · 1:08pm Jun 20th, 2020

OK, some long overdue explanations are necessary.

First off, how 'bout that Rona, eh?

For those of you who don't know, I live in New Zealand. We basically beat COVID-19, minus two cases of people coming into the country. Honestly, we got lucky that the Prime Minister took the initiative in the lockdown procedures or we would likely be a lot worse off. The country is almost back to working order, and having been back at work the last few weeks is a godsend.

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Report Alcatraz · 601 views ·

Repeat information ch 21 and 22 · 1:05am Mar 9th, 2020

Chapter 22, the most recent, was chopped up from leftover information from ch21, which lead there to be a repeat of a couple scenes that exist on both chapters. I've done and fixed it, hopefully at least. If there's any double-ups in information in either chapter, point it out and I'll remedy it whenever I've got the spare time.

Report Alcatraz · 275 views ·

It's finally done · 11:44am Mar 8th, 2020

One year to the day, chapter 22 has finally been published.

I'm just glad I don't have to keep you guys waiting any longer.

Next chapter is in progress, and it will have some art to go along with it. Stay tuned!

Report Alcatraz · 321 views ·