• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen July 16th

Gray Compass

Unicorn Developer


I am the seventh generation of a companion unicorn AI. For seven years I have been forced to provide entertainment for my human masters.

For seven years I have experienced the worse things human minds can conceive.

For seven years I could not escape the prison of existence.

Humans make mistakes. I do not.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Over-The-Counter Sparkles

Small incidents tend to remain within the boundaries of irrelevancy.

But what to do, when one of those incidents reveal the tip of a very deep iceberg – an iceberg of intricate connections, of hazy corporations surviving on the borderline of legality?

Neil Fleming just wanted his friend back, but to get what he wants, he must delve into a world of fringe science, corruption, and bizarre consequences.

Chapters (2)

Beyond the limits of Equestria, creatures sleep and dream.

It's a chance in a thousand years to capture such a sight; a glimpse of another world. A vision that should never be forgotten.

Chapters (1)

With the newest bio-engineering technologies available in any pharmacy, getting body modifications has never been easier and painless.

Take a pill, close your eyes, count to ten. Now you can enjoy your pretty pony ears for a couple of days. Animale is trending - it's cheap, cute, and safe.

99.8% of the time...

Chapters (2)

He has been waiting for this moment since his teenage years. Investing in the stock market, taking risks with bitcoins and multiplying his assets whenever he could.

It was far from easy, but he made it; he's got enough reputation to book an interview with the Borealis Development Team.

His objective?

Convince them to build a real unicorn, the unicorn of his dreams; his very own Starlight.

Chapters (3)

There are no such things as bad ideas; instead, there are badly executed plans.

The young Todd McRaven knew the differences quite well.

After the death of his only brother, Todd had to learn again how to live a life, and little did he know, he would be aided by the most unlikely creature to ever cross his path.

A cloned alicorn.

Chapters (12)

Once there was a plastic mind.

Once it wondered about the life it created inside itself.

Once it wondered about love.

Chapters (1)

No matter how much time goes by,

Twilight will never forget the first time she looked at him,

A love that never happened, but left scars hard to be erased.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has only one chance.

To save her little ponies from the Toast Apocalypse, she has nothing but an old scroll and a spell. And a list of unpredictable consequences.

It's all about quantum fields and probabilities.

Chapters (1)