• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.


Night Glider has lived in Starlight's old village for a long time and needs to get out... if only for the weekend. There's gotta be more to life, right? A greater purpose? Maybe she'll find it in Canterlot, if she's lucky.

Spike, who works at the Canterlot castle full-time, is comfortable in his daily routine of lounging about, doing what Twilight asks him and hanging out with his friends on the weekend. Why would he want anything to change when he knows exactly what to expect day after day... after day... after day. Okay, maybe he was too comfortable. Starlight was keen on making that change.

Maybe getting asked to be the official tour guide for the weekend for a mare looking for something new in life is just what the both of them need to learn a little more about themselves, what they want and what experiences life can offer?

It's only a weekend though. It's not like anything too crazy can happen, right?

Artwork by CaptainPudgeMuffin

A collab with the wonderful Soaring

Chapters (1)

A commission for spoonlol!

The Grand Galloping Gala. A night of wonder and fun for all its attendees. Well, almost all of them. Gallus is more than happy to just stand in his corner and pretend the world doesn't exist. That way he won't have to confess his feelings and more than likely deal with getting turned down by the girl of his dreams, Silverstream.

However, maybe there is a chance of success if only he could figure out the right way to go about talking to her on the 'mushy romance' level. Asking someone else with more experience for help isn't the worst idea, right?

Edited by: Soaring and Jack of a Few Trades
Preread by: Ice Star

Coverart by: darksly

Chapters (1)

A commission for Lucky Seven

Roseluck is beyond excited for the concert she'll be attending tonight, but unfortunately, a cancelled invitation from her best friend threatens to ruin her evening. How could she have fun if she had to go by herself? Luckily, a certain dragon enters the picture at the right time to turn things around.

Oh yeah, she might want to mention it's a metal concert...

Edited by Soaring
Coverart by mealnyschaffer

Chapters (1)

A commission for Jake The Army Guy

Yona and Sandbar are happily married, but nasty talk around town about their size difference have Sandbar a bit on edge. How can he be the stallion she deserves if he doesn't fit into the traditional role of being the bigger and stronger one?

Luckily, he runs into a stallion who went through something similar and gets a few pointers on what masculinity and love truly mean.

Edited and Pre-read by: Jack of a Few Trades and Soaring

Art by faitheverlasting

Chapters (1)

A commission for Not Enough Coffee.

Sometimes we all need a pick-me-up. When Derpy's husband is in need of one, she's there to help.

Edited by Note Pad and Soaring

Artwork by cottonsweets

Chapters (1)

A commission for Jack of a Few Trades.

It's Spike and Gabby's wedding day.

Edited by Soaring

Artwork by yuyusunshine

Chapters (1)

Spike and Gabby have been dating for a few weeks, and everything is great! In their short time together, they’ve found that they click on so many more levels than they did as friends. There is never an awkward moment between them, and now that they’re on the third date, it’s time to take it to the next level: The kiss

The mere thought of it fills Spike with nerves, but not of the excited kind. Instead of anticipation, all he feels is dread. He wants to kiss her. He needs to kiss her. There’s just one little problem.

He doesn’t know how to kiss a beak.

Thanks to Jack of a Few Trades for editing and helping round out the ideas of this story.

Also, thanks to Not Enough Coffee for prereading this and giving his always awesome feedback.

Art by: yuyusunshine

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust needs funding from Fancy Pants to keep The Washouts going, but she'll have to get through Fleur de Lis first.

Special thanks to Note Pad for his help in bringing this story to life.

Cover Art put together by Ice Star
Cafe: https://www.deviantart.com/matchapony/art/Random-Detective-Noir-Pony-693691159
LD: https://www.deviantart.com/puetsua/art/Lightning-Dust-347665119
FDL: https://www.deviantart.com/emu34b/art/Adorable-Fleur-Dis-Lee-550869493

Written for the 2020 Original Pairings Contest!

Chapters (1)

A collab with Freedom!

It's time for the yearly Hearts and Hooves Day Scavenger Hunt, hosted by Cadance and Twilight. It's a chance for couples to participate as a team in a competitive game against other couples throughout the town. It's very... romantic-ish and cheesy.

Regardless, Flitter would like nothing more to be asked to participate by the love of her life... Poptart! He's dreamy, he's handsome, he's in a band... He's perfect! Of course, it'd be easier if her sister wasn't always getting in the way of her hopes and dreams.

I mean, what would she do if her sister stole away the one pony she truly loves? Or at least likes a lot? Take a dragon to the event instead? Yeah, right...

She's not that desperate.

Cover art by Not Enough Coffee! Check him out!

Special thanks to Muggony for helping out with editing!

Chapters (8)

Spike is late again. But this time, he can't afford to make any excuses. An event of great importance to Rarity and himself is about to begin.

He has to be there... no matter how much he doesn't want to be.

A collab with the always amazing Curify!

Preread/Edited by the top-tier brotato chip Jack of a Few Trades!

Art by foxystash

Chapters (1)