• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2018
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PRONOUNCED: sem ee yawn || they/them || any character i ever write, ever, is 18+ unless explicitly stated otherwise


"Because I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and there’s not a single creature with wings I can think of who is exclusively attracted to the opposite sex.”

Now with a reading!

And another!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 136 )
jz1 #1 · Jan 15th, 2020 · · ·

Featured box, here you come.

I’m honestly not sure how I should respond to this.

Being straight is perhaps the gayest thing ever. You're sticking your penis is another penis, sounds gay to me.


And remember, when you have sex with another guy, there are no women involved. And women are feminine and girly, which is inherently gay

So, ipso facto, two dudes having sex is straight as fuck.

Silverstream blinked. “Is there anything more gay than being attracted to Flash Sentry? Like, no matter your gender?”



Good thing I'm bi so I don't need to give a shit one way or the other.

Never forget, son: girls are gay.

Alternately: sex with a girl is gay (male) because you're using your penis. Deriving pleasure from penises is obviously gay. Certainly masturbation is gay.

If they deny that, then move to the yeah-but-what-if-you-could-suck-your-own-dick scenario. :trollestia:

But does twilight the head mare give mares head?

I'm honestly not too sure what happened here or why

And I honestly can't enlighten you. All I can tell you was that this was a thing that just happened.

Heck of a pick-up line, Sil. :rainbowlaugh:

Man, though...she would've been sunk if Twilight had actually found someone with wings who was definitively not gay. :twilightoops:

In a related story, birds just went extinct.

“Is mommy a good replacement?”

I am so glad I swallowed my tea before reaching this line.

Why isn't there a random tag?

This was a hazard to read while eating. I nearly spit out my soup numerous times, from "...he nearly beat Professor Rainbow’s record!" to the Flash Sentry line. Well played, Silverstream. I didn't know she could be that smooth.

Gosh that was funny. A bit of curveball with the hinting at a CGL relationship at the end, but the title is a good question and sounds like something Silverstream would ask.

Unless I missed something, there was no mention of Owlowiscious. Or Peewee. Or Philomena.

can i have a link to the artist of the cover art please?

cgl relationship? whats that?



looks like i messed up on the source link, here you go friend

rest in piece

And to everyone else who's read and commented so far:

:heart: love you

Fun and cute story.

I snickered at Silverstream's "So, have you stopped beating your wife?" approach to questioning. And cackled at her responses about pegasi. Our lovely horsebird has actually gotten quite clever as the years gone by. The ending was unexpectedly sweet! I kinda wanna see how the date goes too.

Thanks for a lovely, funny story!

This was great. The Flash Sentry line was the best part, put me in mind of something Gillette from Archer might say.

I'm honestly not too sure what happened here or why

Does it matter? The story is enjoyable nonetheless.

I've spent longer than I care to admit coming up with something to say about this story and I gotta admit I've come up with nothing.

There are crackships and then there are crackships

This is how you redeem any of the Student Six: a comedy vehicle you don't have to think too hard about, a bit of risqué content, and adorkable Twilight. Formula for success right there. Even Yona would've worked in this scenario. Plenty entertaining read.

Who doesn't love sucking some girl dick?

gay men, straight women, and transphobes, probably.
EDIT: Oh, and ace peeps

I'm honestly not too sure what happened here or why

Your inspiration came straight from God and nothing will convince me otherwise.

"Please wait outside, boys."


But if what the last Wonderbolts reunion is anything to go by, they’re not exclusively straight.

That sounds like it could make for a fun story all by itself. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I don't think anyone was intoning the babysub fetish.

People have been calling each other 'daddy' or 'mommy' often in the lifestyle without getting into childlike behavior, just at least somewhat submissive.

Gavier #34 · Jan 16th, 2020 · · 16 ·

Everything on this fic was carefully planned and has a deep metaphorical significance. We just have to find it.

It's queer rights. This fic says


Please let there be more in

Damn, this just screams, that it needs a sequeal. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Unlike you, I was drinking coffee when I came across that line... I got a desk I need to dry now xD

vorxil #38 · Jan 16th, 2020 · · 1 ·

Student - Teacher
Ambassador - Ruler
Foreign - Native
CommonerRoyal blood, No title - Royalty
Interspeciesmagic fixes everything?
Same sexmagic fixes everything

:trollestia: Now, Twilight... I know you haven't had the best upbringing, and goodness knows your social skills are adorkable, but some might think it unwise to step into the world's largest, irradiated, polonium-laced, political minefield. Ships have been sunk for less.

:moustache: Only things missing are incestual and currently-at-war.

This was hilarious. Loved it.

Was Gallus discussed, though?


Certainly masturbation is gay.

Masturbation is still giving a guy a handjob.

I'm honestly not too sure what happened here or why

That makes two of us, but what the hell, it was amusing.

I can't understand why this has downhooves.

Yeah, but if you give a guy a handjob, he'll ask you for some milk...

Oh wait we're doing this bit on a T-rated story ABORT ABORT :raritydespair:

I also don't get the hate on this comment. Huh.

i wanted to,
couldn't find a place for him but that boy doesn't need to be spoken for anyway

Well that was super cute.

Celestia, Luna, Discord, Garble, Cozy Glow, Smolder, Thorax, Pharynx, Ocellus... They are also gay?

Some peeps don't like sucking girl dick.

Their loss.

Yeah, he was wearing a suit of guard armor in the finale, so he joined the guard. The almost all-male, shower-sharing group that Flash Sentry is also in.

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