• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2018
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PRONOUNCED: sem ee yawn || they/them || any character i ever write, ever, is 18+ unless explicitly stated otherwise


“We need like, magically entwined rings. Six of them. Forged together. Enchanted together. Together forever. Like we’re going to be. And I don’t think that there’s anything like that that we know about. So no marriage for now.”

Smolder scratched the back of her neck. “Actually...maybe...I know a spot?”

“You’re kidding,” Gallus said.

“I was holding off on talking about him until it was time to propose,” said Smolder. “He’s an old fart who lives in a cave on the borders of the Dragonlands. His place is kinda camouflaged to non-dragons so the professors don’t really know about it and neither do your species’ governments.”

“Well, I know what we’re doing today,” Ocellus said. "Committing crime for the sake of my five fiancees. You know, this is one of the few things that I think both Chrysalis and Thorax would be proud of me for."

Commissioned by Ice

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

lotr reference/crossover
edit: also student 6 omniship, with subsets of best student 6 ships
a l l o f m y y e s

Before reading:

“We need like, magically entwined rings. Six of them. Forged together. Enchanted together. Together forever. Like we’re going to be. And I don’t think that there’s anything like that that we know about. So no marriage for now.”
Smolder scratched the back of her neck. “Actually...maybe...I know a spot?”

Me: "Smaug!?:twilightoops:"
Also Me (channeling Smaug): "Sorry kids. A bunch of smelly short shits got here first and snagged them all. But if you can find those thieves, you can keep the rings--those things are more trouble than they're worth."

Now, onto reading....

Omniship is definitely interesting, buuuut...

Smolder wrapped her arms around her, holding her close. Ocellus cooed, thanking her for trusting her, because of course this wasn’t easy, and she loved Smolder so much, until the end of time, until the end of the universe…

You can't hide your favorite. :moustache:

Very nice!

This is everything I needed in my life. This is comfort. This is safety. This is THE CUTEST FUCKING THING IVE EVER READ

I can’t even begin to comprehend how polyamorous relationships work. It just breaks my brain that people can share deep, romantic bonds with more than just one person, but despite that I just can’t get enough of this omniship. The student 6 you write have such rich chemistry with each other. There’s a special sauce in there, something I can’t put my finger on that just makes it work, and work well.

Of course, I am biased toward what Gallus and Silverstream have. They’re so adorable together! Like, damn dude. I completely love how they play off each other. I am completely satisfied and will sleep like a baby tonight having just read this. Yona and Sandbar mission sequel when?

Thank you for existing, Sem. My life would be quite a bit duller without your stories ❤️

...now after reading. :fluttershysad:

Well, my version would've been just as funny as this one, but not nearly as heartwarming and touching. :heart:

SERIOUSLY, that's a serious spoiler!! Don't peek before you read the story. :ajbemused:

“Isn’t it weird that we’re buying weapons at a hardware store?” asked Smolder.

“They’re just knives,” said Gallus.

“Knives are weapons.”

I have a thing for this! My first and favorite D&D character is a human-raised drow thief, and she uses knives. She specifically uses knives, not daggers. Mechanically identical, but her thoughts on the matter are...

"Knives aren't daggers. A dagger is a weapon. A knife is a tool. It's better to use knives than daggers."

Yo Am I the only dude who actually feel bad for Yona and Sandbar missing out the fun here

I love Ocellus's nickname of Ozzie. I wonder if she's ever bitten the head off of any birds.

This was cute and fun! As usual you tend to write them all being a bit more earthy and coarse than how I would, but it's done in a way that's pretty charming and still sweet.

I've been thinking for a while about Smolder and her relationship with her shorter-lived friends, especially Ocellus. I've been mostly inhibited from tackling it myself by the glut of stories about Spike or alicorn Twilight grappling with the same topic so that I felt it's been pretty dried out. This was nice and fresh though.

Committing crime for the sake of my five fiancees.


...wait and since it's not "three fiancees and two fiances" I have to assume Sandbar and Gallus are now crossdressing and I'm very okay with this

Smolder whined. “But who’s going to T-Bone the royal guards?”

Yak best

“And?” Smolder asked. “That hasn’t stopped us before. In our dorm alone we have Sandbar’s stash, Silverstream’s collection of sexy jigsaw puzzles, your forbidden changeling magic texts…”

Go on

“Like, nine thousand.”

Ah, barely into the mid-life crisis

“Who’s our locksmith?” Smolder asked.

“I’m feeling lazy,” Gallus said.

“That leaves me,” said Ocellus.

This is why you need more than rogues in the party

“Congrats on coming back to life every time,” she replied. She stopped her rummaging for a second to wink at him.

Oh she's good

And then Silverstream dragged Gallus back, hugging him with all of her might, kissing his nick sloppily. “Oh, I am so proud of you I can’t believe you thought that up I was actually about to throw pocket sand in his eyes but this is a much much much better idea and now we can—”

Silverstream you giant goof XD

Polyamory comes with its share of difficulties but also strengths to compensate. This story is a fair depiction of just one way a polycule might work out. All having a deep love and loyalty to each other but perhaps having one you'd have a deeper connection to. Others don't have to be an interconnected web and it might look more like a ring, or a line, or a wonky Y...

When you love just ONE person so deeply and romantically, it can be difficult to imagine how polycules can possibly work because it's hard to imagine loving anyone as much as you love your significant other. But it can happen, and when it does you just have to make sure you and your partners communicate all the more to make sure the relationships (however interconnected they are or are not) work.

I definitely agree with you on your opinion of this particular polycule. It just WORKS and I love it! Galbar is my OTP among them but the omniship of the student six is my next favorite one and I adore this particular depiction.

those fuckers shouldn't have left then

they'll get a lot of loving when they get back don't worry

it's true :fluttershysad:





thank you! i feel the same way about the Immortal Creature with Mortal Friends concept but felt that it was an ample thing to bring up with this story, happy it wasn't overbearing


i think the feminine conjugation is cuter and didn't want to figure out a way to address both so i just went with the two 'e's lol

yak best

THANKS i love all shapes of polycule
this is by far my favorite student six omniship dynamic to write, though
as you said it just works :twilightsmile:

With sem reminding me of Ocellus with shy/cute smarts and your bubbliness and passion you put in your comments reminding me of Silverstream, I think you guys should crusade for your four other counterparts. :pinkiesmile:

Nothing like a bit of Grand Theft Magical Item to bond over. Also, how dare Sandbar and Yona leave the other four like that.

Wanderer D

This was adorable, and perfect. This is the true OTP.

This is quite simply too cute for me to endure for long, like shovelling sugar straight into my mouth levels of sweet. Here's some nitpicking so I avoid diabetes.

Smolder sidled up to the griffon on his left side, and Ocellus took his left.

Gallus is a spacial anomaly, confirmed. Euclid has nothing on griffons.

It was like he was made of smoke.
“Holy shit,” Gallus whispered.

Missed indentation.

Pretty sure there was one more, but can't find it. Anyway, that's enough of a break from the cute.

I loved it, and this is the sort of thing I'm glad we have this site for. Do keep it up.


Grand Theft Aura: Nice City

thank you for spotting those errors i am mortified I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT THOUGH


thank you for spotting those errors i am mortified I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT THOUGH

How could I not enjoy it? This needs a chef's kiss. Don't be mortified, just keep being you. Oh, and keep your grimoire close by, I suppose.

Oh I love this ship! And it's a very entertaining fic. Touches on a lot of character tropes I enjoy about them, mostly just six creatures being in love and having fun!

You have made me very, very proud! I wanna call this section out in particular

“Maybe Belial is, too,” said Silverstream. “Maybe…”

She stopped her rummaging. Gallus recognized the look in her eye.

Silverstream had an idea. The kind of idea that you wrote in a fancy font because it was just so...that.

“Streams,” Gallus cautioned. “No.”

“You don’t know what I’m thinking,” Silverstream said. She was smiling now, which meant that it was too late and whatever she was going to do next was unpreventable.

Gallus went over the facts, the topic at hand, the way that his girlfriend’s beautiful, crazy, stupid, loving mind worked. He said, “You’re going to try to wake Belial up and ask him if we can have his six enchanted rings.”

Silverstream smiled wider. “I was actually thinking about how cute your face is when you’re worried about an idea that you’re about to give to me.”

“Silverstream!” he cried, but Silverstream was already in the air, flying towards the dragon.

I absolutely love this! Gallus is the straight man of their comedy duo, and Silverstream plays him for a fool and drives him crazy in the best ways possible. This dynamic is so beautiful and you absolutely knock it out of the park :raritywink:

Howdy, hi!

This was super cute and heartwarming and adorable. I love how much they all bounce off of each other and how much personality each of them has. Clearly, 6-way polyamory is best ship for the young six. I love the setup and pay off in this so much. You just wrote this really believable relationship between all of them and I really find myself wanting more of it.

Thank you very much for the read. This was well worth the read.

“What do we do without them?” Silverstream groaned. “I have no Sandbar to do jigsaw puzzles with.”

This is already the cutest thing every ;-; Polyam relationship goals, right here.

Smolder sidled up to the griffon on his left side, and Ocellus took his right. They exchanged looks before they both leaned in and gave him a kiss on both his cheeks.


“Like, nine thousand.”

Aaand now it's sad. Smolder is gonna outlive them all <\3

Huh, you actually addressed that as an issue, love it! This is adorable, it makes me very happy.

Awww, I wanted to see them get the wings and surprise Sandbar and Yona it'd be so cute!!!

Super sweet, super cute. Perfect little resolution at the end. :heart:

Such a sweet story!!! Great job, as always!

Yeah I can see why this one's been on the featured box and popular tab for days now

it's petty good

You have this insane ability to make me care about characters I’d never want to read about otherwise.

You deserve: Small Cake (Pink)

AWWWWW, it’s all so damn cute. Always love the way you write the interactions between these guys. There just too many cute moments to count.

Brilliant, just pure brilliance

And then Silverstream dragged Gallus back, hugging him with all of her might, kissing his nick sloppily. “Oh, I am so proud of you I can’t believe you thought that up I was actually about to throw pocket sand in his eyes but this is a much much much better idea and now we can—”

I have questions, and I'm afraid there will be no answers.

My biggest question is how can she use pocket sand if she doesn't have pockets?

Say where DID yona and sandbar go to?


“What kind of secret Ornithian chamber needs to be opened specifically by an earth pony and a yak who are in love?!” Silverstream cried.

Bird land! Ornithia makes an appearance in the Season 10 comics. It's where Captain Celaeno hails from.

Ohhh, must've missed that.

I find hilarious that they complain about the school of friendship and living among ponies made them "cheesy and soft", when they literally get weapons to kill someone and steal he things, it is true what is said

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Outstanding work across the board. A wonderful balance of fluff and bloodthirst, with just enough of the immortality blues to add a bit of weight to the proceedings without making it cloying. Thank you for it.

“How do you know about his horde?”


A call from the future here, where such a franchise as "Helluva Boss" exists and where 'Ozzie' is the nickname of, excuse my language, fucking Asmodeus himself. :pinkiegasp:

As the head demon of Lust, I'm pretty sure "fucking" is exactly the adjective that ought to be applied to him.

This is the epitome of be gay do crime and peak disaster bi energy. Very firm approval.

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