• Member Since 18th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen Sunday


Although Starlight is my favorite, I love all the ponies! You may also know me as "Anonymous!!HcNWUh4HrCG".


Gallus has an completely ordinary day at the School of Friendship.

Set between Sweet and Smokey and Student Counsel.

Written for the Student Six Discovery contest. Sex tag is for discussion, eye candy, jokes, and the like. No explicit material. This story shares continuity with The Ending of the End, but absolutely no knowledge of it is needed to enjoy this story.

Featured 2/9/2020

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 99 )

That ending though 😶

I have thought Ocellus might be a queen for a while now. I also have a lot of ideas on changeling biology.

Naturally, Gallus is very weirded out.

You never wrote when Ocellus changes from a seapony back to herself.

"It was parly to the elements"?
"Fluttershy swapped abruptly."?
Why did you start saying "Mandy" instead of "Manny"? You did it twice.

You again didn't specify if or when Ocellus changed back to her regular form from Chrysalis.

(Harsh critique is how I show I like a story. Good job.)

Gallus is one kinky griffon.



Fixed, thanks.

"It was parly to the elements"?

That one was it not saving my progress and me rewriting it later. Fixed to "It was partly open to the elements".

"Fluttershy swapped abruptly."?

In the sense of swapping words out. Is that confusing?

Why did you start saying "Mandy" instead of "Manny"? You did it twice.

I'm not sure, but fixed.

You never wrote when Ocellus changes from a seapony back to herself.

You again didn't specify if or when Ocellus changed back to her regular form from Chrysalis.

I actually didn't think these were necessary, but if you think they are, sure! I'll add a couple lines.

Thank you for your critique, it helps me improve my story!

Regarding the Fluttershy thing, I understand it now, but yes, it was a little confusing. And though it's not necessary, the details about when a changeling changes back and forth help me to imagine the scene better. Thanks!

Fixed the Fluttershy and Ocellus shifting stuff. Thanks for the tips!

now, THIS story handles gallbar well
it also presents gallus in a new light
i've almost never seen a bi gallus(or is it pansexual?)
this gets a solid 10 from me
i also want a sequel

I've always seen Gallus as bi and crushing on at least Sandbar and Silverstream, and probably all the other five. Kind of surprised there aren't more works with that.

Very nice read. I have one question, though:

“Eh, I’d not offended,”

That doesn't seem to make any sense in context or otherwise. Is it supposed to be "I wouldn't be offended"? But even so, that's not a reasonable reply to what came before.

It is meant to be

“Exactly!” Silverstream gushed. “You guys have got to come visit Seaquestria sometime, it’s just the coolest!” She paused a moment, before adding, “Not that your homes aren’t cool too! It’s just, Seaquestria is so much fun! You’d love it!”

“Eh, I’m not offended,” Gallus said with a sardonic smile. Only the faintest hint of bitterness peeked through his practiced Grogar-may-care attitude. “Griffonstone isn’t exactly a top tourist attraction.”

He's not offended that she called Seaquestria the coolest.

That ending...
I kinda stared blankly at my iPads screen, surprised it was over already and that that was where you left us.
Not even having asked Silverstream out or chilled with her for the afternoon. Kinda left me disappointed but oh well

Ah, I'm sorry about that. I just felt like it was the best place to end the story. Gallus needs a break from everycreature to process everything Ocellus told him.

kinda same
except i kinda ship all the student six together sometimes
also, will there be a sequel?

I see it as:
Sandbar and Yona are dating, and only have eyes for each other right now
Ocellus and Smolder will be dating soon. Ocellus is expecting an open relationship and might be surprised to find out that Smolder's natural possessiveness inclines her sharply against it
Gallus and Silverstream both have feelings for each other, but haven't announced them yet and both think the other isn't really interested. Gallus also has at least minor crushes on the other four, but recognizes that they're all unfeasible or ill-advised for various reasons.

And I doubt there will be a direct sequel, but there may be thematic ones. Not sure yet!

Loved the story. But the ending was unfulfilling. Nothing was resolved or even significantly progressed, other than Smolder deciding to ask out Ocellus i guess. But that wasn't the main focus.

Hope this continues.

I guess I felt like I didn't really want things to be resolved. it's meant to be a single, ordinary day of his life, and he didn't work it all out. He'll have to sort things out over the next couple days or even weeks, which falls outside the scope of the story.

This was a fun read!

One thing I really liked was the bluntness of Gallus's thoughts, and his banter with Smolder. That kind of "bro" banter is something I really like, but oftentimes characters don't have the right personality or circumstances to have it make sense. So I enjoyed your story for having it.

Definitely looking forward to your future stuff!

Writing the bro banter was really fun. And Gallus's thoughts are a delight.
Funnily enough, the biggest "future" thing for me is actually something I've been working on since August. This story, which I hope to update this week:

EThe Ending of the End - Love and Tolerance Edition
Equestria faces its most dire threat yet as Grogar and his legions march upon Canterlot. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek prepare to betray him and seize power themselves. Can the Mane 6 save Equestria?
StarlightisVERYcute · 100k words  ·  237  14 · 6.6k views

You should have 'A day in the Life' as a separate series.

Smolder looked over to the door, suspicion warping her features. Nopony was there. “Alright. But you have to promise not to tell a single soul. If you do, I’ll… I’ll tell the headmare about how you’ve taken over the school’s porn economy!”

Taken over the school's what economy? How does that even work? Does he just travel to every kingdom and just buy loads of porno mags to re-sell them at the school? Or does he have suppliers who deliver said magazines to him? How does a Porn Economy even work and why is Gallus at the top of it? I need answers.

That's a good idea. I might do that going forward. But my main project for now is still The Ending of the End.


Taken over the school's what economy? How does that even work? Does he just travel to every kingdom and just buy loads of porno mags to re-sell them at the school? Or does he have suppliers who deliver said magazines to him?

He has suppliers and covert ways to pick them up around Ponyville without getting busted.

How does a Porn Economy even work and why is Gallus at the top of it? I need answers.

Buy low, sell high. He buys in bulk so he doesn't have to pay as much.
And why is he at the top of it? Well, not to be racist, but he is the only griffon at the entire school...

That was a nice story. Like some others had mentioned, I was hoping it would go a bit beyond the ending, maybe by spending a little more time with Silverstream afterward. Your story did inspire me with some interesting headcanons for how changelings and their society operate.

I felt like it should stay one day. And after all those realizations, Gallus just needed to go to sleep.

That said, I'd be open to use it as a basis for a sequel someday.

Great story. It was fun to read. The ending is a punch but was hinted at so good work on that. Great overall, would enjoy see more of this.

Edit: The picture captures the ending very well in Gallus' head.

I'm glad you liked it! I think I may do something else like this in the future.

Sequel? Please?

I certainly like the idea of it. But any sequel will likely have to be written after my finale rewrite is.

This really should get more done and turned into a series. You could seriously run with this and make some really funny stories or kinky side stories from this alone. The Ocellus background and whatnot could make for some seriously funny and awkward conversations with the student 6. You could even spin this off into "A day in the life of the student 6 series" if you wanted.

I thought it was because he could work with Ocellus to make whatever porn they wanted.

Gallus has crushes on all of his friends?

...Yeah, let's do it!

:rainbowderp: ...I need an adult.

That was a really amusing read. Lots of emotional twists for the poor griffon to navigate. 😂

That's probably something he'll think about going forward.

Yep. All his friends.

Twilight is an adult!

Yeah, Gallus has to deal with a lot of crushes.

The student 6 polyship is the best ending for them in my mind.
There's something to like about each of them from everyone. To take on Ocellus' utilitarian view about sex - you have 6 different species each with something unique to offer. Any itch can be scratched with these guys.

Most of the species are monogamous though. Gallus is checking out the ample eye candy, but he wouldn't be dating all of them at once, for example. Changelings are peculiar in that they are true believers in free love. That is unusual among the other species.

That's cool, it's really great to know that this story will get a continuation, thanks!

Gallus has crushes on all his friends because he's alone and seeking any kind of physical affection he could possibly get 💦

Eh, I'd say all of the student 6 are bi. Only Ocellus is into polyamory. Gallus deliberately refrained from dating Ocellus because he knew it'd hurt Smolder's feelings.

It probably won't be for a while, but it will happen.

That's certainly a logical explanation. Don't forget he was raised an orphan.

That's okay, you write what you want to write, I'm just enjoying whatever you're writing c:



Ocellus and Smolder will be dating soon. Ocellus is expecting an open relationship and might be surprised to find out that Smolder's natural possessiveness inclines her sharply against it

Is that a deal-breaker? I mean, Changelings don't seem geared for monogamy.

A supremely contented smile weaved its way across his lips as warmth spread from his face down throughout his body.

uh... he doesn't have lips...

Manny reached a wide down towards her.

you are missing something here, I suspect "paw"

There are more works like that, but you have to look in the porn section. Even the romantic stories are in the porn section.

Not complaining. :pinkiehappy:

This is a really good story, but the main source of conflict (Gallus wanting to admit his feelings to Silverstream) is pretty much completely unresolved at the end. I understand you are going for literally one day in his life and while these kinds of issues take a lot longer than that to resolve it does mean the story feels like it ends fairly abruptly.

This was awesome. Would love to read more! :twilightsmile:

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