Occasional writer, professional procrastinator. Since I was asked, I will do commissions.
I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.
When everyone and everything seems dark, don't be. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe
I am Pen Dragon, creator of Beyond Infinity and A New Destiny, and my goal is simply to make stories about ponies that find infinity stones that destroy the universe.
Help a good cause and donate to the Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America today!
There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.
Hey everyone, BK here! Just wanted to give a quick word of thank you for your interest x3 If you want to help support me, check out this link! https://www.patreon.com/AidenFlack
You cannot appreciate the light without seeing the darkness.
You think my weapons make me dangerous? Good, keep thinking that.
I see people two ways who they are and who they can be.
Hello to all the bronies and pegasisters. I'm a writer for fun and I am beginning to make Youtube videos of stories that I think deserve to be told.
So... how does it feel to be followed by a patreon sponsor? Feels good doesn't it? That's right say my name...
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody" —Bill Cosby
Hey, you know that really good author who has quality stories that everyone loves? I'm not that guy, he's over there. I'm that mediocre guy that's lucky to have as many followers as I do. Thanks!!!
I write what I think can work as a great piece of fiction. That's the author way.
Hey what up im rainbow skies this is my profile thing hope you like my stories and some other stuff as well but stay frosty later
"Anything described can be described s'more." -the Lolly Family
I love Luna! Luna is the best. I enjoy hearing any feedback. Make sure to say hi! Thanks for visiting! :)
You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!
Author of the Homecoming series, occasional contributor to Bodyguard!AU, and food aficionado.
A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)
I like writing ponies. And violent explosions. For some reason, that's not a problem here.
Part-time foalcon enthusiast. On hiatus until further notice. Filly on, everypony.
"There's a huge difference between hearing and listening. They're similar in that they involve you being all ears." -Some Music Teacher
"Every story ever told actually happened. Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten." - Dr. Who.
I want to write some stories, hopefully good ones. Occasionally stuff will pop to my mind and I just want to write. Let's see how this goes eh?
People call me The Drink | A beverage of sorts | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter
The self-appointed leader of the Twilight Sparkle Fan Club - Netherworld Branch (Please don't tell Titania, dood)
Still figuring myself out. Come back in a few months, I might be able to tell you then.
Military pegasus that enjoys ponies and human x royalty. You have been warned!