• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
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Deus Foalt

Part-time foalcon enthusiast. Considering retirement. Filly on nonetheless, everyone.


SAVE EVERYTHING · 12:14am January 22nd

Melodrama aside…FIMFetch seems to be purging all traces of foalcon from its site. Stories from the most prolific writers are nowhere to be seen, me included. I did not okay this. Nobody else I know did either. If you want your favorite filly fiddling stories backed up, now would be a good time to look into doing so yourself. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if FIMFic and Fetch are collaborating to push a secret rules change disallowing that kind of content…the rational part of me knows

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Discovery and Recovery · 11:45pm Aug 26th, 2023

Yep, I’m not dead. I could wax on and on poetically about things as my nature demands, and as would be my right (this is MY blog after all)…but I feel like just getting to the point(s).

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Summer Sin Celebration ‘23 · 1:24pm May 27th, 2023

For the first time I’m participating in this time-honored tradition! The tl;dr version for those unaware is “you write a story for someone and someone writes for you”, secret santa style. Kinda like Jinglemas if you’re familiar, but for clop and in the summer! More deets here for those interested.


Signup deadline is end of June, so be there or be square!

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Future of the Foalt · 7:15pm May 1st, 2023

Greetings, everyone. I wish I came to you with better news. I’ll get the worst out of the way:

I’m either disabling comments/ratings on all future stories, and/or moving to AO3.

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Commissions! (Edit 10/21/22: Now closed!) · 6:58pm Oct 14th, 2022

I’m open! First I’ll lay out the important details, then talk a bit about how I’ve been doing.

Rate: $25/1,000 words
Lengths accepted: 1,000 to 10,000 words
Payment: in full up front via PayPal, payment plans negotiable but will be more than 100% of the ordinary price because paypal fees suck
Slots: until financial needs are met and/or I feel sufficiently loaded up
Higher-word-counts are higher up in the priority list

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Report Deus Foalt · 205 views · #Commissions

Hello again · 9:18pm Aug 28th, 2022

I'm gonna keep this one brief. Still alive. Still battling the fuck out of depression. Still making little progress.

Still writing. It's difficult, but I've recently got the idea-machine back up and running.

Stories will be less frequent than I thought as of last post. Much less so. I hope you don't think less of me for it.

That's about it, I guess. Sometimes it's just kinda like that. I guess I can answer questions if y'all have any, too.

Report Deus Foalt · 150 views ·

The Curse Lifts · 1:24am Jun 23rd, 2022


After months of struggle, roughly 6 drafts stuck at a wretched 1.5k words, unable to get any further, draft after draft…I finished drafting a story. It’s a very rough draft, and not even that long (3.2k pre-edits-and-expansions) but I think once it’s polished, it’ll shine. This represents such a victory for my mental health, focus, and writing skills. I still struggle every single day, but this proves that I can still write.

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G5.5 · 7:26pm Apr 28th, 2022

Hi again. Sorry for being so radio-silent. We’ve still been banging away at treatments for me but success is limited and often short-lived. I’m deep enough in the trench to be unemployed and darn near unemployable period. I’m still fighting though. I’m slowly dragging myself off Valium, and switching to Cymbalta(/duloxetine, the generic) has caused upswings in my mood more than other meds have, even if also ultimately temporary. Since I have nothing but time, my writing brain has been

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Hello? · 2:13am Feb 20th, 2022

Hi. It's me, Deus. Thanks for opening this blog. Those of you who even go so far as to read these initial sentences give me hope. Unfortunately, this is a sad blog. If you're not in the right mindset to read the words of a sad soul, now's the chance to avert your eyes and go elsewhere.

Still here? Okay then. What I ask today is simple:

Am I still relevant?

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Report Deus Foalt · 1,426 views · #sad #vent

Hiatus* Update · 3:18am Jan 16th, 2022

A promising solution to my mental problems has revealed itself and held steady for three days so far. The joy of living is finally clear for me again. In short: fuck off depression, you were never welcome for any of the months I had you, and I hope you never come back.

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Report Deus Foalt · 172 views ·