• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Fusion Fool the 3rd

The self-appointed leader of the Twilight Sparkle Fan Club - Netherworld Branch (Please don't tell Titania, dood)

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It's been a long time coming but it was done. Twilight Sparkle had worked up the courage to ask out one of the most desirable mares in Ponyville, Aloe. Now can she pull it off and keep her or just screw it all up?

Proof-readCo-Authored by: Song Coyote

Chapters (1)

I, Fusion Fool the Third, as well as 4 accomplises, have discovered a way to enter Equestria, dood.

Lots of hard work later, and now we are here to stay so that Lady Sparkle will treat us better then the demons we once served under, dood.

I shall document this historic event with my own flippers, dood!

NEW as of April 11th 2012! Next Episode segments form the Disgaea games have been included to ALL chapters and any future chapters, If I get off my lazy butt.

Safe Warning: this was written for giggles, so the sentence structure may be lacking, dood.

Chapters (16)