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This is fiction. But it is based...


Metroid - Ghosts of Harmony Part 18 + Prime 4 Announcement · 3:58pm June 18th


First thing's outta the way, Part 18 is now completely done. This bitch is clocking in at about 19.5 thousand words, but I'm sure this is gonna reduce a lil' bit once I edit the fuck out of this--editing I'm expecting will take a couple days, so at the very absolute latest (and I'm saying this with certainty), it will be released this Friday.

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Report Flammenwerfer · 299 views ·

General Update - No I'm not Dead or Retired · 7:54pm May 31st

Life got busy and man did I burn myself out writing for another project. Been working back into it though slowly and have pressed on with more than a few thousand words for stuff. Should hopefully be back to full production soon--inspiration has hit me harder than a latina mom when your report card came back. Also, the moral of the story is to not get hung up on if I feel like my writing has gone to shit over the years. It feels like it in the moment, but I yearn for the times when I had zero

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Report Flammenwerfer · 339 views ·

[Art] Metroid GoH - Samus Portrait Final · 1:39am Dec 31st, 2023

Her general look for the Story, give or take. Not my best work (eyes are 'meh'), as I was using new equipment, but happy with the turnout all things considered. Got a hang of things now, so I'm confident I'll improve to further add more of my own art to my stories.

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Report Flammenwerfer · 311 views ·

Metroid GoH - As for the next chapter... · 1:36am Dec 12th, 2023

Hi all,

So, I'm late, which might as well be a trademark of mine. So, where are we with everything and why?

As for why, turns out as I've been editing, I didn't write so much a chapter, as I apparently wrote an entire fucking arc. Pre-edit wordcount was just shy of 15,000. I've now edited and 'finalized' 12,000 words... and I still have 9,000 unedited words to go through. Meaning as it stands now, word count is 21,000 and rising. Lol, lmao, even.

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Report Flammenwerfer · 306 views ·

[Art] Metroid GoH - Samus' Face when... · 6:08am Dec 1st, 2023

...she realizes that not only is the goddamn reptilian dipshit still alive, but the bigger bitch is possibly back and she needs to explain all this at the dinner table

Art by: Me

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Report Flammenwerfer · 360 views ·

Metroid GoH Part 17 Just about done · 5:54pm Nov 28th, 2023

Hey y'all,

So after a lot of exhilaration and heartache (for this story, lots of highs and lows trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do at a specific point) over the last couple months, I'm closing in on the final paragraphs of the chapter. However, the editing needed is kind of atrocious so it'll probably take at most a week or so to get through that before publishing.

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Report Flammenwerfer · 258 views ·

[Art] Guess Who's Back · 6:16am Oct 27th, 2023

"Oi, loves~. It's been far too long! Did ya miss me?"

By my friend Mogwai!

Report Flammenwerfer · 626 views ·

Metroid GoH: 6K word update today · 11:16pm Aug 28th, 2023

Hey all,

So, as I'm writing the next chapter... this shit is getting a little too long for my liking. Well, that's actually not true... I tend to prefer large slugs of chapters from 8,000 words and up. However, I know not everyone enjoys that.

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Report Flammenwerfer · 304 views ·

One of my good friends needs some help! · 11:10pm Aug 24th, 2023

Hey y'all! For my Barcast/podcast watchers, this one's for you. I'm going to use the perfect wording that Priest used below--thank you so much for reading in advance:

This week on the Barcast we're doing a special stream for our fellow host Ravvij.

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Report Flammenwerfer · 983 views ·

Metroid GoH - Part 15 to be finished Tomorrow (6/25) · 5:27am Jun 25th, 2023

Just as the title says. A lil' bit over 10,000 words. I needed a lot more of a break than I thought after the 25K words of full-on sex from my other story lmao.

Anyway, it'll get finished tomorrow, along with a gigantic editing scrub tomorrow and through the week. I'm expecting it'll be published early this coming week, and by next weekend for sure.

Thanks, y'all, for your patience!


Report Flammenwerfer · 230 views ·