• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


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I Wrote Something. It's Not Lewd · 5:09pm Dec 20th, 2023

Blasphemy, I know, but I do occasionally write things that aren't porn. This time, it's an experimental little piece about grief, guilt, shared pain, and coping. It's not going to be for everyone, but I'm proud of my work.

Check it out, if you like

TGood Intentions
Sometimes, the best of intentions can still end in tragedy
chillbook1 · 12k words  ·  32  1 · 496 views
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A New Contest (Cash Prizes!) · 1:42pm Nov 4th, 2023

Heyo, everyone. I'm here to let you know about a contest being run by TheWraithWriter, a close friend of the channel.

The theme of the contest is Unsafe, Insane, and Consensual! There's gonna be cash prizes and, perhaps more importantly, I'll be entering, so you'll have the opportunity to beat me! Much more valuable than any monetary compensation, I know.

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Regarding "The Crystal Empire" · 5:16pm Oct 4th, 2023

I don't typically do this, but I wrote up an alternate ending to my story The Crystal Empire. This additional ending isn't meant to invalidate the former (which I left a little open-ended for interpretation). If you read the initial story, then congrats, you've had the full experience. This update is just an exploration of an additional possible turn of events. Both the initial ending and this bonus chapter are equally valid interpretations as far as canon goes, so it's up to you to

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Quick Update · 1:34pm Aug 29th, 2023

Just throwing this out here to let anyone know that, as of now, my SubscribeStar has been closed down. Simply put, with the current trajectory of my life, my writing and, let's be real, the fandom as a whole, it wasn't really worth the effort to try and maintain, not to mention the stress and guilt of falling short of subscriber rewards. So, to make things a bit simpler and easier on me, I've decided to ditch the membership platforms and go back to what I used to do: Write weird stuff that I'd

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My Good Friend Needs Help · 11:53am Aug 19th, 2023

Hey, gang, I'll keep it brief.

My good friend Majin Syeekoh needs your help. He set up a GoFundMe, and if you could all help him out a bit, I'd be forever grateful.

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Handmaiden Fables: The Child · 6:27pm Feb 26th, 2023

I wanted to try something new here, since the next chapter of The Handmaiden is taking so long to come out. I thought it would be neat to put out a few supplementary shorts about The Handmaiden universe, to give a bit of context to some lesser-used characters.

You can assume these shorts are canon, unless they contradict/are contradicted by the main story.

The Child

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Happy New Year · 5:37am Jan 1st, 2023

Happy New Year, my guys and gals and nonbinary pals. Thanks for sticking with me throughout 2022.

The closest thing to a resolution I had for '22 was "win a contest", and I am incredibly grateful that I managed that. Thanks to everyone who read my dumb story about a cult centered around girls sucking off horses. You weirdos really do make it all worth it.

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Reminder: I'm on SubscribeStar now! · 2:06pm Aug 1st, 2022

I know you're all surely tired of hearing about my trials and tribulations, so I'll spare you the superfluous details and just say that I'm officially off of Patreon and have established my SubStar instead. If you're a Patreon supporter and want to continue to ensure that ya boy can put food on the table, then I urge you to give my Subscribestar page a look.

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SubscribeStar · 12:04pm Jul 26th, 2022

I'm on SubscribeStar now. It's all hooked up and functional, and I'll be using this platform for the time being (assuming anyone maintains interest).

If you're already a Patron, I suggest moving over to SubscribeStar instead, because my Patreon account is about to be inactive very soon.

If you're not supporting me... Well, now's as good a time as any :)

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The End of an Era (Patreon Announcement) · 12:37pm Jul 25th, 2022

So, to put it bluntly, I'm more than likely about to get punted off of Patreon, for the reasons you're probably expecting if you have even a passing familiarity with the way that site operates. I've sent an email to plead my case, but I don't expect a whole lot to come of it, so I'm preparing some alternatives.

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